
  • Coffee Break - Tuesday 11 July2017

    Amb. Tunde Ajisomo / ECOWAS Ambassador to Liberia told UNMIL Radio  that ECOWAS and partners are launching the Emergency response and preventive diplomacy project to ensure peaceful, free and fair elections in Liberia 
    Deroe Weeks / Executive Director, Food Security and Nutrition Ministry of Agriculture said the Liberian government and partners conclude consultations on the Liberia Agriculture Sector Investment plan 
    Calixte Hessou/ Communications Officer UNFPA disclosed that the UNFPA and partners observe World Population Day
    Sorbor George / Communications Officer Ministry of Health said the ministry is stepping up warning against the unauthorized use of the PPEs
    Cyrus Badio / Communications Officer Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) said the bank is  resuming  its program of assigning teams to major markets in and around Monrovia for the direct exchange of mutilated banknotes.
  • UNMIL Radio News at 8 AM (11 July 2017)

    UNMIL radio news at 8 AM on Tuesday 11 July 2017

  • Yor Mornin: Tuesday 11 July 2017


    Name of Program: Yor Mornin
    Date: Tuesday July 11, 2017
    Time: 7:am
    Duration: 1hr
    Topic: How can you contribute to a peaceful process before, during and after the elections?
    Producer: Martina Brooks
    Interviews or recorded pieces-subject matter and/or content
    Yor Mornin is an early morning magazine program; its segments are as follows;
    • World Headlines
    • Motivational Talk-  Powered by intention
    • Everyday Talk -thirty minute interactive discussion on national and international issues.
    • Stories behind World headlines around the world
  • UNMIL Radio News at 1 PM (10 July 2017)

    UNMIL radio news at 1 PM on Monday 10 July 2017

  • Dateline Liberia - Monday (10 July 2017)


    Name of Program: Dateline Liberia
    Date: Monday July 10, 2017
    Time 10:00am with a Repeat at 9:15pm
    Duration: 45’
    Producer: Olive Thomas
    Interviews or recorded pieces-subject matter and/or content.
    • The Liberian government has embarked on a nationwide awareness to increase the people’s understanding on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
    • Meanwhile, students participating in the awareness campaign have commended the government for the initiative.
    • The Liberian government and partners have launched the country’s agriculture sector investment plan.
    • A University professor has written a book to highlight social mobilization and the impact it had on the fight against Ebola in Liberia.
    • The Minister of Public of Works, Gyude Moore has disclosed that major road works are taking place in parts of the South-Eastern region in the country.
    • The head of a delegation from the Federal Institute for Security Studies (ISS) of Nigeria that visited Liberia recently has identified knowledge-sharing as an important incentive for boosting the human resource of West Africa.
  • Coffee Break - Monday, July 10, 2017

    Coffee Break on Monday, July 10, 2017 hosted the following persons:
    Sam Collins Spokesperson Liberia National Police provided updates on the operations on the police
    Paul Zonweah-Head/Artistes Alliance in Southeastern Liberia explained that the construction of an arts gallery in the region progressing steadily
    And Eddie Miaway Farngalo-Head of the Research Department at the Center for Liberia’s Future claimed that there is a mass exodus of nurses and mid-level healthcare workers from the health sector

  • UNMIL Radio News at 8 AM (10 July 17)

    UNMIL radio news at 8 AM on Monday 10 July 2017

  • UNMIL Radio News at 1 PM (07 July 2017)

    UNMIL radio news at 1 PM on Friday 07 July 2017

  • Dateline Liberia - Friday (07 July 2017)
    Name of Program: Dateline Liberia
    Date: Friday July 07, 2017
    Time 10:00am with a Repeat at 10:00pm
    Duration: 45’
    Producer: Olive Thomas
    Interviews or recorded pieces-subject matter and/or content.
    • Friday’s edition feature a segment called Rule of Law.
    • The Liberian government and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have jointly pledged to work to boost agriculture productivity in the country.
    • FAO Country Representative Marc Abdallah urged Liberians to embrace agriculture; saying it is an effective way to promote sustainable development.
    • The National Secretariat of the Golden Image Award has disclosed that this year’s Golden Image Award is a special edition.
    • The UN on Wednesday said tourism in Africa can reduce poverty but the industry needs help to resist challenges from conflict, climate change and health emergencies.
  • Coffee Break - Friday, July 07, 2017

    Coffee Break featured the following guests: Counselor Boakai Kanneh-Chairperson/Law Reform Commission………..Revised National Law Reform Policy validation with the House of Representatives; Professor Debee Syndee-Head of the Kofi Annan Institute for Conflict Transformation/UL………..He has authored a book on Social Mobilization and its impacts on the fight against Ebola in Liberia; Lawrence Myers-Regional Manager/National Youth Movement for Transparent Elections-NAYMOTE……….NAYMOTE through the Liberia Accountability & Voice Initiative-LAVI begins a natural resource management with stakeholders in the southeastern region on county development funds; and Anthony Souh-Director General/Drug Enforcement Agency-DEA…………DEA in partnership with US Embassy and UNODC is celebrating International Day Against Drug and Illicit Trafficking.
