The UNMIL Rule of Law Pillar operates under the strategic direction provided by the O/DSRSG for Rule of Law. This office additionally provides a coordination role, ensuring collaborative working relationships within the Pillar, the Mission, the UNCT and with national and international partners and donors. The Pillar is comprised of four components; the Legal and Judicial Systems Support Division (LJSSD), the Corrections Advisory Unit (CAU), the Human Rights and Protection Section (HRPS) and the UN Police (UNPOL). This brief is in respect of the mandate, objectives and activities of LJSSD, CAU and HRPS.
Legal and Judicial Systems Support Division
Components of the Rule of Law Pillar derive their mandates from UN Security Council Resolution 1509 (19 September, 2003) establishing the UN Mission in Liberia. In the case of LJSSD, the mandate is to develop a strategy to consolidate governmental institutions, including a national legal framework and judicial institutions. In practical terms, the Division’s objective is to develop and implement pragmatic solutions for the myriad challenges facing Liberia's justice system with the ultimate aim of re-establishing the supremacy of the rule of law.
Corrections Advisory Unit
Under Resolution 1509 the Corrections Advisory Unit is tasked with the responsibility of supporting the Bureau of Corrections and Rehabilitation in its efforts to re-establish and strengthen the prison system in Liberia.
Human Rights and Protection Section
Under Resolution 1509 HRPS is mandated to contribute towards international efforts to protect and promote human rights in Liberia, with particular attention to vulnerable groups within UNMIL’s capabilities and in close cooperation with other United Nations agencies, related organisations, governmental organisations, and non-governmental organisations; and to ensure an adequate human rights presence, capacity and expertise within UNMIL to carry out human rights promotion, protection and monitoring activities.
UN Police
The UN Police provides support for security reform in Liberia in accordance with the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, Security Council Resolution 1509 (2003) and efforts towards the consolidation of peace and security in Liberia. UNMIL’s mandate, as outlined in Security Council Resolution 1509, tasks the UN Police with assisting the Government of Liberia “in monitoring and restructuring the police force of Liberia, consistent with democratic policing, to develop a civilian police training programme, and to otherwise assist in the training of civilian police in cooperation with ECOWAS, international organizations and interested States."