
  • Let's Talk About Sex (30 November 2017)

    Let’s Talk About Sex forty five minute health and sexuality education program that targets teenage population.

  • History Hour (30 November 2017)

    History Hour is an hour program that provides information on various historic events in Liberia, rest of the world and lessons learnt from such events line with development and peaceful means of solving conflicts

  • Around Town (30 November 2017)

    Around Town is an hour discussion program that covers various current issues at hand the country.

  • School Days (30 November 2017)

    School Days an hour program that looks at reform efforts to strengthen the country’s education sector.

  • UNMIL Radio News at 1 PM (30 November 2017)

    UNMIL radio news at 1 PM on Thursday 30 November 2017

  • Coffee Break - Friday, November 30, 2017

    Coffee Break on Thursday , November 30 , 2017 hosted the following persons:
    Dr. Collins Bowah/  Nimba County Health Officer . He disclosed the holding of a  Maternal and Newborn Health Conference gets underway in Nimba County
    Korpo Peters- Tenny / UNV Program Assistant . She talked about activities leading to the celebration of International Volunteers Day (IVD)
    Celia Turkett/ National Professional Officer at UNMIL’s Conduct and Discipline Team (CDT) . She explained that UNMIL  is stepping up preventive mechanism to curb sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA)
    Jackson Nyenpan / Chairman of the Elder Council  of River Gee County . The Council accusesdthe county administration of not being transparent in its operations
    Adama Dempster / Secretary –General Civil Society Human Right Platform. He said the platform has embarked on the setting up of human rights committees across the country

  • UNMIL Radio News at 8 AM (30 November 2017)

    UNMIL radio news at 8 AM on Thursday 30 November 2017

  • Yor Mornin: Thursday 30 November 2017

    Name of Program: Yor Mornin
    Date:  November 30, 2017
    Time: 7: am
    Duration: 1hr
    Liberia has different cultures, beliefs and norms.
    Question: What is the thing that units us as a nation?
    Producer: Josephine Ogbodu
    Interviews or recorded pieces-subject matter and/or content
    Yor Mornin is an early morning magazine program; its segments are as follows;

    • World Headlines
    • Motivational Talk- Where is the Joy–by Ralph Marston
    • Everyday Talk -thirty minute interactive discussion on national and international issues.
    • Stories behind World headlines around the world
  • UNMIL Radio News at 6 & 9 PM (29 November 2017)

    UNMIL radio news at 6 & 9 PM on Wednesday 29 November 2017

  • UNMIL Radio News at 1 PM (29 November 2017)

    UNMIL radio news at 1 PM on Wednesday 29 November 2017
