01 February 2018


‘Liberia’s Justice System Faces Human Rights Challenges’ -Says UNMIL’s Deputy SRSG, Sources: Daily OBSERVER and FrontPage Africa

The Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (DSRSG) of the United Nations Mission of Liberia (UNMIL), Waldemar Vrey, Wednesday observed that ineffective accountability for misconduct by officials working within Liberia’s justice system poses a serious human rights concern that requires considerable attention. DSRSG Vrey also named prolonged pre-trial detention, unhealthy prison conditions, impunity for sexual and gender-based violence and harmful traditional practices as some of the other human rights-related challenges.

The UN official made the observation when he donated equipment, furniture, and human rights materials valued at USD14,883 to support the establishment of a human rights library at the offices of the Liberia National Bar Association (LNBA).

“Effective human rights protection promotes peace and stability as it provides a legal, political and social framework within which conflicts can be peacefully resolved,” the UNMIL DSRSG said. “The Liberia justice system is challenged with perennial human rights concerns.” Read more

“Dissolve LACC, LRC, and Governance Commission” -Justice Minister-designate, Cllr. Charles Gibson, says at confirmation hearing, Source: Daily OBSERVER

Embattled nominee for the post of justice minister, Cllr. Charles Gibson, Wednesday told Senate confirmation hearing that the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC), the Law Reform Commission (LRC), and the Governance Commission (GC) need to either be dissolved or revisited for reorganization. Cllr. Gibson facing a marathon grilling from the Senate Committee on Judiciary, Human Rights, Claims, and Petitions said the LACC in particular, despite an annual budgetary allocation of USD20 million, has not been able to prosecute a single case. “Instead of spending that huge amount every time without results, the government can contract services of five leading local law firms and pay them USD50,000 annually to help speedy prosecution of those found culpable of corrupt deeds,” the justice minister-designate proposed. He told the hearing that his suggestion came after the transition team of President George Weah visited the LACC and held discussions with its members who even agreed that the team of five should be reduced to three. Read more

Senator Prince Johnson Wants New Justice Minister Reopen Investigation into Harry Greave’s Death, Source: FrontPage Africa

Senator Prince Johnson has openly accused former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and her justice minister, Cllr. Benedict Sannoh of lying about the cause of death of Mr. Harry Greaves. In open session, during the confirmation hearing of justice minister-designate Cllr. Charles Gibson, Senator Johnson asked the new justice minister to reopen the case and properly establish the cause of Greaves’ death.

Cllr. Sannoh told the public that the autopsy conducted on the remains of Mr. Greaves proved that he died by drowning. But the Nimba lawmaker alleged that the government pathologist brought in to perform the autopsy connived with the government to produce a doctored report. Johnson said, if the case is reopened, the actual cause of death would be established. Read more

Weah’s proposal is “horrible”, Source: The New Dawn

The chairman of the Economic Freedom Fighter of Liberia (EFL), Emmanuel Gonquio, has described as “horrible” President George Weah’s proposal to grant citizenship and land ownership rights to white people. Mr. Gonquio said giving foreigners or white people rights to own land will incapacitate or be at the disadvantage of Liberians. In his Annual Message to the National Legislature on Monday, President Weah spoke strongly on the issues of dual citizenship and restriction that limits Liberian citizenship to only peoples of Negro origin. Read more

Liberia to be Held Liable for Human Rights Violations If…, Source: Daily OBSERVER

The executive director of the Prison Fellowship Liberia has disclosed that Liberia has up to March to comply with the obligations that have been raised by the United Nations Human Rights Commission (UNHRC) regarding human rights violation during the country’s 14-year civil crisis. Mr. Francis Kollie made the disclosure in Monrovia following a series of meetings with groups of CSOs and other human rights entities on the human rights issues which the UNHRC raised against Liberia. According to Kollie, Liberia being a member of the United Nations and other international bodies has ratified many human rights conventions which the country is obligated and committed to adhere to. Read more

World Bank Delegation Arrives in Liberia To Strengthen Strategic Partnership with Liberia, Sources: Daily OBSERVER, FrontPage Africa, GNN Liberia, and News Public Trust

The World Bank country director for Ghana, Liberia, and Sierra Leone, Dr. Henry Kerali, head of a World Bank delegation, arrives in Liberia today Thursday to meet with senior officials of the Liberian government. While in the country, the delegation will hold discussions with the government to identify new priorities of the Bank’s partnership for the next five to six years, which will be reflected in its new Country Partnership Framework. Dr. Kerali will use his visit to sign with the Liberian government the Financing Agreement for the USD24.67 million grant covering the Fourth Poverty Reduction Support Development Policy Operation, which will provide budget support for the new government. The delegation will also engage in discussions on the priorities of the new government. Read more

Liberia Likely to Suffer Aid Setback As Pres. Trump Threatens, Seeks Retaliate Over Jerusalem Vote, Source: FrontPage Africa

Amid Liberia’s dwindled economy, President George Weah has said he would rely heavily on foreign aid, at least in the short term, to get his government up and running. But Liberia’s traditional and historic biggest international partner, the United States, may likely not be very supportive as President Donald Trump is seeking congressional approval for the withholding of aids from countries which he claims do not support America’s interest.

President Trump in his State of the Union Address made specific reference to countries that voted in favor of a United Nations resolution calling on the United States to withdraw its recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Prior to the vote, President Trump threatened to cut foreign aid from countries who would vote against America’s interest. Read more

Liberia to Chair UN General Assembly’s 4th Committee after 57 years, Sources: Daily OBSERVER, FrontPage Africa, and The New Dawn

Liberia has received the overwhelming endorsement of the African Group of Ambassadors to the United Nations to chair the Fourth Committee of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) during the 73rd Session of the Assembly, which begins in September, a release from the Liberian Mission in New York said.

Formally referred to as the Special Political and Decolonization Committee of the General Assembly, the Fourth Committee is one of six main committees of the UNGA. It considers a broad range of issues, including decolonization, review of peacekeeping operations and special political missions, relief for Palestinian refugees, atomic radiation, assistance in mine action, as well as the peaceful uses of outer space.

In a special note to Liberia’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Lewis Brown, the chair of the African Group of Ambassadors, Ambassador Anatolio Ndong Mba of Equatorial Guinea, congratulated Liberia for what he termed as an “overwhelming preferment” of the country in the African Group. “I am hereby very pleased to inform you that consensus has now been reached in the African Group, for Liberia chairing the Fourth Committee beginning this September,” Ambassador Ndong Mba said. Read more


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