09 January 2018


Security Council Press Statement on Elections in Liberia, Sources: News Public Trust, Relief Web, The New Dawn, and Xinhua Net

The members of the Security Council congratulated the Liberian people and Government, as well as political leaders, civil society organizations, and the media, for the peaceful conduct of the 26 December 2017 presidential runoff election. They congratulated the two candidates for the responsible conduct of their campaigns.

The members of the Security Council commended Liberia’s National Elections Commission, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and the Government of Liberia for their preparation and execution of the presidential runoff election and for their efforts to address the issues from the 10 October 2017 legislative and presidential election. The members of the Security Council further expressed appreciation to the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the African Union and all international, regional and domestic election observation missions for their contributions to the transparency of the electoral process and timely assessments. The members of the Security Council expressed their appreciation for the work of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Farid Zarif, and the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), for continued assistance and good offices through the electoral process. Read more

Ellen Wants 13 Bills Enacted Before January 13 –But, Senator Sherman says “it’s impractical”, Source: Daily OBSERVER

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has written the House of Representatives and the Senate to approve at least 13 bills by Saturday, 13 January, but the chairman of the Senate Committee on Judiciary, Cllr. Varney Sherman, says the President’s idea is not only “very impractical,” but “very unlikely and doubtful,” because no amount of ‘rubber stamping and 4G speed’ will allow both Houses to pass the 13 Bills.

“It is very doubtful, extremely difficult; there is no time, it is impractical, because the President’s Bills will not only be the issues, there are issues on elections of the President Pro-Tempore, Speaker, and Deputy Speaker,” Senator Sherman said in an exclusive interview Monday.

The Dangote Cement Liberia deal in the tune of USD41 million and the extension of the Firestone Agreement top the list of the President’s 13 bills.

President Sirleaf has submitted a ‘Matrix of 22 bills with a priority of 13 bills’ to the Legislature to be considered during the 9-day extension, which is already in effect as of Thursday, 4 January. Read more

Weah Urged to End ‘Politics of Exclusion’, Source: Daily OBSERVER

The Better Future Foundation (BFF) has cautioned the President-elect, George Weah, to consider himself as a providential political figure who represents the desire of the country’s youthful population not only for generational change but also for the socio-economic and political renaissance of the country. In a statement of congratulation Monday issued in Monrovia, BFF stressed that with his victory at the polls, Mr. Weah now has the dispensational responsibility to ensure that the wishes and aspirations of the nation’s marginalized population are not suffocated and/or swept under the carpet, but are rather prioritized by the government under his presidency.

BFF reminded President-elect Weah to also be aware that for decades, the vast majority of Liberians have been victims of “deliberate politics and policies” of socioeconomic marginalization and deprivation at the behest of succeeding ruling establishments leading to the country’s recent civil war, coupled with widespread disenchantment, poverty, and misery as well as gross lack of development across the country. Read more

Menjay Advises Nursing Graduates, President-elect Weah, Source: Daily OBSERVER

The principal of Ricks Institute and president of the Liberia Baptist Missionary and Education Convention (LBMEC), Rev. Olu Menjay, on Sunday warned President-elect George Weah and members of the incoming Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) government not to lead for themselves, but for the betterment of the country and its citizens, because they are the ones that elected them. Rev. Menjay’s advice was contained in a sermon he delivered at the Baccalaureate Service of the 14th Commencement Convocation of the United Methodist University (UMU).

He observed that 70 percent of the population voted for the CDC “because they want positive changes that would eventually take them from poverty woes as they suffered during past regimes.” The CDC-led government, the LBMEC president said, should be able to give Liberians the change they have yearned for over the past 12 years to improve their living condition. According to Menjay, it is sinful in the sight of God for elected leaders to think of themselves, rather than improving the welfare of the people they lead, because the grace of God is important for every earthly administration. Read more

Chambers Will Bring Integrity As Speaker ….Civil Society Group Claims, Source: The NEWS

A pro-media group, Media United to Enhance Democracy says the election of Maryland County Representative Dr. Bhofal Chambers as speaker of the House of Representatives would bring trust and integrity to that august body. The group views Dr. Chambers as the most suitable candidate for the speaker’s position because of his high-level of intellect and integrity he brings to the job.  The group says Chambers is an uncompromising lawmaker and his ascendency to such a position would add value to the House of Representatives. Read more

Senator Zargo joins Pro-Tempore race, Sources: Daily OBSERVER, FrontPage Africa, The New Dawn, and The NEWS

Lofa County Senator Stephen Zargo has declared his intention to join the race for Senate president pro-tempore due to be held at the Liberian Senate on Monday, 15 January. Speaking at a press conference Monday in Monrovia, Senator Zargo said he wants to ensure that the country is geographically balanced in terms of leadership position in this critical period. Read more

CDCians battle for Montserrado, Source: The New Dawn

Officials of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) have begun battling for the Montserrado County senatorial seat made vacant by the election of Senator George Weah as Liberia’s president-elect. The CDC has in recent past elections shown to pull more votes in Montserrado compared to other rival parties, but Mr. Weah's ascendancy from the Senate to the Presidency leaves a gap that appears to divide his party officials' interest over who succeeds him at a senatorial by-election.

Ahead of Mr. Weah's inauguration due 22 January, a CDC Representative for Montserrado Electoral District #13, Saah Joseph says he will avail himself at an upcoming CDC Plenary in which the party will decide who it will support for the senatorial by-election. But the CDC Youth League on Sunday petitioned the party's Representative for Montserrado Electoral District #8 Acarous Gray to contest on the party ticket for the senatorial race. Read more

Dr. Tokpa To Contest Senatorial Seat …In Bong County, Source: The NEWS

A prominent son of Bong County has declared his intention to contest the senatorial by-election in the county. Dr. Henrique Tokpa said he is contesting the senatorial seat to provide leadership and foster development in Bong. A release quotes Dr. Tokpa as saying, he is not contesting the senatorial position for the mere title or to earn money but rather he wants the opportunity to serve his people by giving them the needed representation at the Senate as was provided them over the years by Senator Jewel Howard Taylor, now vice president-elect of Liberia. Read more

Lebanese Community Denies Giving President-elect George Weah USD2M, Source: FrontPage Africa

FrontPage Africa says it has reliably learned that President-elect George Weah has turned down USD2 million offered to him by the Lebanese community in Liberia. But the president of the World Lebanese Cultural Union (WLCU) has denied a report that the Lebanese community offered money to the incoming president. “It is my first time hearing such thing and I have no knowledge about it,” said Ezzat Eid, WLCU president. “It’s falsified news, but I can assure you that nothing of such happened,” he added.

Speculations intensified over the alleged gift to President-elect Weah after a video posted by Facebook user Mark Jabeteh making the disclosure went viral on the social media. When FrontPage Africa contacted sources closed to Mr. Weah, they confirmed Jabeteh’s revelation but could not give further detail. Jabeteh had revealed that the Lebanese community collected over a million dollars for the inauguration of Mr. Weah. Read more

59-year-old Man Imprisoned For Allegedly Raping 9-year-old Girl, Source: FrontPage Africa

FrontPage Africa reports that despite numerous negotiations by elders to release 59-year-old Fayiah Cole, who reportedly raped a 9-year-old girl in the Monrovia densely populated slum community of West Point, the suspect has spent his first night at the Monrovia Central Prison. Cole reportedly had vaginal sex with the girl when her mother was nowhere around. The head of the Women and Children Protection Section (WACPS) of the Liberia National Police in West Point only identified as Alfred confirmed to FrontPage Africa that the perpetrator has been taken to the Prison. Read more

LIWOMAC Pleads With President-elect Weah –Revisit Rape Law Amendment Proposal, Source: News Public Trust

The Liberia Women Media Action (LIWOMAC) has called on the President-elect, Senator George Weah to pay serious attention to gender parity issues regarding the review of the rape amendment proposal, in addition to congratulating him.

The Senate has passed an amendment to the current rape law making the crime bailable, something that needs the concurrence of the House of Representatives.

LIWOMAC in an open letter catalogued issues of physical and psychological violence and abuses that economically, politically, and socially limit the potential of women in contributing to national development. Hence, LIWOMAC suggested “the setting up of an expert group comprising women policy analyst, lawyers, medical practitioners, the Gender Ministry, UN Women, and other relevant actors to advance a proposal that will make the rape law efficient in application, ensuring fairness for survivors, victims, and perpetrators.”

The women media group has, therefore, appealed to President-elect Weah to include in his 100 days deliverable action plans that have the prospect of protecting the rights of women of Liberia from the grave incidences of SGBV. Read more

FeJAL congratulates Taylor, Sources: News Public Trust and The New Dawn

The Female Journalists Association of Liberia (FeJAL) has extended congratulations to Vice President-elect Jewel Howard Taylor on her impressive victory at the 26 December 2017 runoff election. FeJAL in a release says the association is convinced that Mrs. Taylor will continue to work for the good of the people, especially serving as a role model for women and girls as she takes on the task as the First Female President of the Liberian Senate. Read more

Strange skin disease affects 1,777, Sources: FrontPage Africa and The New Dawn

The National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL) in collaboration with the Health Ministry is investigating a strange skin disease here that has reportedly spread to five counties, afflicting 1,777 persons. The plague, which appears like rash on the skin rapidly spreads when scratched, creating panic among locals. Dr. Ralph Jetoh of the NPHIL says investigation is ongoing to establish the cause of the disease in the country. Dr. Jetoh said Monday that the skin disease has hit Bong, Grand Bassa, Margibi, Montserrado, and River Cess Counties. He says surveillance officers have engaged various infected communities and the counties respectively but no laboratory test has been conducted. Read more

Elephants Go on ‘Rampage’ in Nimba …Destroy farms, wreck rice kitchens, Source: Daily OBSERVER

A group of elephants has resurfaced in the Gio Forest near Tappita District in Nimba County destroying plantain farms and breaking down rice kitchens (storage barns), the Daily Observer has reliably gathered. According to reports from locals around Sarr Yoolay Town in Boe and Quella, a distant clan from Tappita, the five elephants spotted in the forest in recent days entered villages, causing havoc. At a certain point, a source said, the elephants ate plantains that were aboard a truck that had developed mechanical problems and was parked along the roadside. Read more


Khama contender for African Leadership top award, Source: Weekend Post

President Lt Gen Ian Khama and his Liberian counterpart, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf are in contention for the Mo Ibrahim Award, Africa’s top leadership award, as the two leaders prepare to retire from office at the end of their constitutional terms. Sirleaf, Africa's first elected female head of state and a Nobel Peace Prize laureate will leave office this month in what is officially Liberia's first democratic transfer of power since 1944. She will be replaced by an iconic former footballer, George Weah, who won last month’s presidential election run-off. Meanwhile, President Khama will retire from office at the end March this year, handing over the baton to Mokgweetsi Masisi, who will become Botswana’s fifth president since independence in 1966.

The Mo Ibrahim Prize for Achievement in African Leadership recognizes and celebrates African executive leaders who, under challenging circumstances, have developed their countries and strengthened democracy and human rights for the shared benefit of their people, paving the way for sustainable and equitable prosperity. Read more

Chinese fishing vessel arrested for illegal fishing, Source: FIS

The Liberian Coast Guard and the marine conservation organization Sea Shepherd arrested the fishing vessel Guo Ji 809, with a Chinese flag, for presumed illegal fishing. The Liberian Fisheries Regulations imposes a fine of up to USD 1 million for fishing without a Liberian license, which is considered a very serious violation. Sea Shepherd’s vessel M/Y Sam Simon detected Guo Ji 809 navigating Liberian waters and a Liberian Coast Guard ship surprised it when his crew had just picked up the fishing nets. The fishing license granted by the Government of Liberia to Guo Ji 809 had expired on December 31, 2017, but the vessel continued fishing on January 1 and 2, despite warnings from the observer on board. The Chinese flag fishing vessel was arrested and is now detained in the port of Monrovia, awaiting trial. Read more


This media summary consists of selected local media articles for the information of UN personnel. The public distribution of this media summary is a courtesy service extended by UNMIL on the understanding that the choice of articles included is exclusive, and the contents do not represent anything other than a selection of articles likely to be of interest to a United Nations readership. The inclusion of articles in this summary does not imply endorsement by UNMIL.