19 October 2017

  • Whistleblower gives detailed accounts on alleged financial malpractices at FIU, Source: INSIGHT
  • NEC declares runoff today, Source: The New Dawn
  • Invalid votes worry CDC, Source: The New Dawn
  • Police set guidelines for protest, Source: The New Dawn
  • AFL rejects IREDD’ report, Source: The New Dawn
  • 2 killed Point Four robbery, Source: The New Dawn


Whistleblower gives detailed accounts on alleged financial malpractices at FIU, Source: INSIGHT

A former official of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), Wonderr Freeman has accused FIU director Alex Cuffy of involvement in financial malpractices at the state-owned anti-graft entity. Mr. Freeman told the Insight recently that financial malpractices have been rampant under Mr. Cuffy. The former FIU official is calling for a forensic investigation of the financial impropriety and said he has documents to prove his claim.

NEC declares runoff today, Source: The New Dawn

The National Elections Commission (NEC) will today Thursday announce the final results of the 10 October 2017 presidential and legislative elections, according to The New Dawn. The paper said it will be followed by a pronouncement declaring a run-off between the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) and the ruling Unity Party (UP). Quoting the commission’s communications director, Henry Flomo, the paper said NEC chairman, Jerome Korkoya will also formally announce the winners of the representative elections.

Invalid votes worry CDC, Source: The New Dawn

The Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) says it is worried over the huge invalid votes from the presidential and legislative elections and has called on the electoral commission to undertake a vigorous CVE ahead of the run-off to reduce the 84,057 invalid votes from the October 10 elections.

Police set guidelines for protest, Source: The New Dawn

The Liberia National Police (LNP) has issued a statement reminding the public to respect the guidelines to organize protests and demonstrations. It comes in the wake of a plan on Sunday by the Liberty Party’s (LP) youth wing to stage a non-violent demonstration in Monrovia against  the October 10 elections result in which it has so far received 9.8 percent of the votes.

AFL rejects IREDD’ report, Source: The New Dawn

The Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) has rejected a report by the Institute for Research and Democratic Development (IREDD) that accused defense minister Brownie Samukai of using the army in political campaign. But findings from an inquiry it says carried out by the AFL exonerated the minister. The AFL said according to its investigation, it was EXSECON, a private security company that was hired to provide security to contractors to construct a podium for a political rally in the Barnesville area instead and not the army as claimed by IREDD.

2 killed Point Four robbery, Source: The New Dawn

Two people are reported to have been killed in the Borough of New Kru Town by armed robbers who stabbed them over night, the chairman of a Community Policing Forum in the area, Joseph Mulbah said.  The police, he said have picked up several criminals in the area suspected of involvement in the death of the two. He said the suspects have been turned over to the police.


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