20 October 2017

  • Runoff Threatened – LP Presents Complaint Today, Source: The ANALYST
  • Will Runoff Hold? LP, ANC Protest 1st Round Results – Executive Mansion Concerned; Advises against Streets Protests, Source: The ANALYST


Runoff Threatened – LP Presents Complaint Today, Source: The ANALYST

According to The Analyst, the Liberty Party (LP) is expected to present a formal complaint to the National Elections Commission (NEC) today Friday to establish its claims that there were massive irregularities and fraud during the just-ended 10 October presidential and legislative elections, as the party calls for a re-run of the polls that could threaten the runoff slated for 7 November between the main opposition Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) and the ruling Unity Party (UP) who emerged as the two top parties in the elections. The LP has also scheduled a peaceful protest for Monday.

Will Runoff Hold? LP, ANC Protest 1st Round Results – Executive Mansion Concerned; Advises against Street Protests, Source: The ANALYST

According to presidential press secretary Jerolinmek Piah, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is concerned about reports of dissatisfaction expressed by the standard bearers of the  Liberty Party (LP) and the Alternative National Congress (ANC) over claims of alleged irregularities and fraud that reportedly characterized the Tuesday, 10 October  elections, with the leaders of the two parties – Cllr. Charles Brumskine and Mr. Alexander Cummings threatening to challenge the results of the elections in order to ensure that the outcomes conform to the true will of the Liberian people through the ballots.

Mr. Piah told state radio, ELBC that President Sirleaf has acknowledged the rights of the participating parties to challenge the outcome of the elections if they feel dissatisfied but quickly pointed out that the president is interested in the use of the court system instead of street protests. The court system starts with the National Elections Commission (NEC).

Where are they headed? Source: The New Dawn

According to The New Dawn, at long last the race for the presidency which saw 20 candidates competing in the 10 October first round of polling has narrowed down to two contenders - Senator George Weah of the main opposition Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) with 38.4 percent of the total votes and Vice President Joseph Boakai of the ruling Unity Party (UP) 28.8 percent of the total votes. The paper reports that with the results now official, questions abound as to which way the remaining 18 defeated presidential candidates will be headed as Liberian politics is more of an individual than ideas, thus leaving commentators and journalists guessing.

Political analysts say the real fight for the Executive Mansion has just started as both parties in the runoff would need support from the remaining 18 candidates no matter how small to get elected. But the most outstanding are three. Liberty Party’s Charles Brumskine, Alternative National Congress’ Alexander Cummings, and Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction’s Prince Johnson are cardinal to which side each of them may likely pledge support and for what reasons in a heavily regionalized and tribal political contest.

But for certainty, any of the two candidates desirous of winning the runoff cannot afford to ignore Brumskine with 149,495 votes followed by Johnson, 127,666 votes, and Cummings with 112,067 votes. Read More

CDC narrowly leads Lower House, Source: The New Dawn

This paper reports that the competition between the main opposition Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) and the ruling Unity Party (UP) for control of the House of Representatives is as competitive as ever with the former narrowly winning 21 of the 73 seats followed by the latter with 18, the People’s Unification Party (PUP) secured five seats followed by the rest of them including independent candidates, according to final poll results released by the National Elections Commission (NEC) on Thursday. The CDC now leads majority seats in the lower house of the Legislature thus putting it in a strong position whether as an opposition or a winning party.

A George Weah presidency could enjoy an easy ride at the Capitol Building given the outcome so far; while on the other hand, if the governing UP were to obtain a third term at the ballot box on 7 November, it would have to set up a strong lobbying team to have its agenda goes through. Notwithstanding, the UP would not have to worry, as it maintains collaboration with the PUP. Read more

"I thought I would have won"- Says Cummings, Source: The New Dawn

The Alternative National Congress (ANC) defeated presidential candidate, Mr. Alexander Cummings says he actually thought that he would have gotten the seat of the presidency in the just-ended October 10 presidential and representatives elections, this paper reports. “Our support was genuine, lots of people worked hard supporting the newcomer to the political scene. Am grateful, and I want to thank them”, Mr. Cummings said Thursday on a local radio in Monrovia.

Mr. Cummings says he realizes that time may have been a factor for his failure to win the presidency. He says he was always confident that he would have had a very good chance if he had made a case to show the Liberian people but notes that he never had enough time. The ANC leader says there were lessons learned from the just-ended elections, saying no matter how well the election is run, "we" need to make sure that the electoral process truly reflects the will of the people. The opposition politician says he does not seek to have any job, no matter who wins, vowing to be a constructive opposition for the next years and build up the ANC for the six years. Read more

“Opposition victory best for Liberia” – Says Association of Opposition Youth Wings, Source: The New Dawn

The Association of Opposition Political Parties Youth Wings says it strongly believes that it is about time that a member of the opposition takes state power rather than the ruling Unity Party (UP). “This is the time for opposition to handle the affairs of the country because we strongly believe that an opposition victory is the best for a prosperous Liberia and other citizens that are calling for a change,” the group said at a news conference on Wednesday at headquarters of the  United People's Party (UPP) in the Monrovia suburb of Sinkor.

The youth chairman for the Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction (MDR), Mr. Czar Palay restated the association's objective to support an opposition victory in the election, saying it is the best victory that will transform Liberia into a better country. He says the association is a combination of 12 opposition political parties youth leagues. Read more

Police Warns Would-be Demonstrators, Source: The ANALYST

The Liberia National Police (LNP) has warned against the holding of unauthorized protests in the country reminding individuals who intend to hold such demonstrations to seek permission from the county attorney in which said demonstration would take place and, in the specific case of Montserrado County, the LNP cautioned in a press statement.

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