Monday, 19 February 2018


Senate Confirms Mobutu Nyenpan as Public Works Minister, Source: Daily OBSERVER

The Liberian Senate Friday unanimously voted to confirm Mobutu Nyenpan as public works minister along with his deputy for technical services, and assistant for administration. The confirmation took place at a special Senate session at the Capitol Building. In what the public described as one of the best confirmation hearings, the new public works minister promised to institute a robust zero-tolerance attitude towards violators of zoning regulations and those engaged in construction activities without obtaining the requisite permits from the Ministry. “We will demolish structures that are deliberately built in alleys, waterways contrary to zoning regulations and city planning,” he warned. Read more

Ansu Sonii, Two Deputy Ministers Confirmed to Head Education Ministry, Sources: FrontPage Africa and News Public Trust

The Liberian Senate Thursday confirmed Prof. D. Ansu Sonii as education minister along with Latim Da-thong as deputy education minister for administration, and Alton Kesselly, deputy education minister for planning. Read more

Senate confirms Koijee, Sources: FrontPage Africa and The New Dawn

The Liberian Senate has confirmed as mayor of Monrovia, Jefferson Koijee, chairperson of President George Weah’s ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) youth wing. Mr. Koijee’s confirmation follows an articulate presentation before the Senate Committee on Internal Affairs and Good Governance on Friday, 9 February, thus becoming Monrovia’s youngest mayor. Read more

Dark Cloud Hangs Over Confirmation of Liberia's Information Minister, Source: FrontPage Africa

It seems his past is about to haunt him as reappointed information minister Lenn Eugene Nagbe struggles to get pass confirmation by the Senate Information and Broadcast Committee, FrontPage Africa reports. According to sources, President George Weah is begging committee members for mercy for Mr. Nagbe, who is one of the ministers in the administration of Ellen Johnson Sirleaf accused of preaching and promoting division among the three branches of government. The information minister-designate is also being accused of propagating a good image of the Executive Branch of government where he finds himself to the detriment of the Legislature and the Judiciary. Read more

Nuquay’s qualification under scrutiny, Source: The New Dawn

The chairman of the Governing Council of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) has voiced his opposition to the appointment of former House Speaker J. Emmanuel Nuquay as director-general of the Liberia Civil Aviation Authority (LCAA) and his subsequent confirmation by the Liberian Senate. In an interview with OK FM, a local radio station in Monrovia on Friday, Chief Cyril Allen cited the "Civil Aviation Act of 2005" Sub-chapter II Section 203 under Appointment and Qualifications of the Director-General, which states among others, “The Director-General shall be appointed with regard to being properly qualified and experienced in civil aviation for the efficient discharge of the powers and duties vested in and imposed by this Act.”

Chief Allen stressed that Nuquay lacks technical qualification as required by the "Civil Aviation Act of 2005" to head the LCAA. He noted that the country is not bankrupt of qualified personnel in civil aviation and names at least five Liberian professionals, including Capt. Moses Weefur, and Randolph Cooper, among others, who could instead, effectively run the institution based on competence. The CDC Governing Council chairman then warned that the appointment could face some international challenges because Liberia is a member of the world civil aviation authority and there are global standards that should be met. Read more

Ellen returns with US 5mln award, Source: The New Dawn

Former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is expected home today Monday after receiving the 2017 Mo Ibrahim Prize for Achievement in African Leadership. Mrs. Sirleaf is the fifth winner of the prize since it was first awarded in 2007 to Mozambique's Joaquim Chissano. The Mo Ibrahim Foundation Prize Committee praised Mrs. Sirealf's "exceptional and transformative leadership, in the face of unprecedented and renewed challenges, to lead Liberia's recovery following many years of devastating civil war".

Ahead of the former president’s return today, the Mano River Union (MRU) has sent a message of congratulation to Mrs. Sirleaf on the award of the most prestigious and converted Mo Ibrahim prize for leadership in Africa. Read more

Chief Jallah Lone Medical Center Struggling To Save Lives without Support, Source: FrontPage Africa

The Chief Jallah Lone Medical Health Center (CJLMC) in Gbarpolu County is facing series of constraints due to the government restriction on the disbursement of money to the hospital.   Dr. Claresia Jallah, medical director of the hospital, said the situation is a serious challenge for healthcare delivery and has affected the county for the past months. At a health coordination meeting held on Thursday in the county, Dr. Jallah said the situation has been worsen by a recent presidential order that says any operational funds above the USD5,000.00 threshold should go through the President’s office for approval. Read more

CBL Blamed for Increment in Forex Rate, Source: Daily OBSERVER

The assistant secretary-general of the National Foreign Exchange Bureau of Liberia (NAFIBOL) has blamed the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) for the high increase in the US-Liberian dollar exchange rate on the Liberian market, because of its inability to regulate the forex market. Nimely Saye told the Daily Observer that the CBL Supervision and Regulations Department has failed to work in the interest of legal foreign exchangers, thereby leaving the market open. Mr. Saye said if the CBL does not put the situation under control now; the exchange rate would reach LRD150 to USD1 by July, “because of the current open market situation.” Read more


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