Online Headlines


President Weah Delivers First State of the Nation Address Today, Sources: Daily OBSERVER, News Public Trust, and The NEWS

President George Weah will today Monday deliver his first State of the Nation Address to members of the 54th Legislature in a Joint Session. The ceremony starts at 2:00 p.m., but the President will begin his address at 4:00 p.m. President Weah’s address to the legislature is in consonance with Article 58 of the 1986 Constitution, which mandates the President of Liberia to report to the legislature on the state of the nation once a year and to present his or her legislative programs for the year. The report covers the economy, health, education, and other facets of the nation. Read more

President Weah Urges ECOWAS to Reform with Inclusiveness, Sources: Executive Mansion News, News Public Trust, and The New Dawn

President George Weah has urged his ECOWAS colleagues to implement reforms in the regional body with emphasis on inclusiveness and solidarity. According to a dispatch from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, President Weah made the call on Saturday, 27 January in Addis Ababa during his maiden debut at the Extraordinary Summit of ECOWAS Heads of State and Government held on the margins of the 30th Ordinary Session of the General Assembly of the African Union.

The Liberian leader said a reformed ECOWAS with all member states having adequate representation will enhance its capacity to deliver in improving the lives and livelihoods of all the citizens of the sub-region. Weah admonished his colleagues to reckon that ECOWAS must be more responsive to the critical needs of the citizens of member states by implementing tangible projects in infrastructure, youth development and security, and the rule of law.

President Weah’s clarion call was buttressed by his Ivorian counterpart Alassane Ouattara who urged his fellow African leaders not to lose focus of the founding objectives of the body, which is to positively impact people. Read more

President Weah Names 83 to Cabinet, Sources: Daily OBSERVER, Executive Mansion News, FrontPage Africa, News24, News Public Trust, The New Dawn, and The NEWS

According to an Executive Mansion release, President George Weah has made a number of appointments in government, subject to confirmation by the Senate, where applicable. Those appointed include: Prof. Wilson Tarpeh, commerce and industry minister-designate; Prof. D. Ansu Sonii, education minister-designate; Williametta Piso Saydee Tarr, gender, children and social protection minister-designate; Gesler Murray, lands, mines, and energy minister-designate; D. Zoegar Wilson, youth and sports minister-designate; and Varney Sirleaf, internal affairs minister-designate. The appointment of justice minister-designate, Cllr. Charles Gibson remains, presidential press secretary Sam Mannah told the Daily Observer.

Others appointed are Lenn Eugene Nagbe, information minister-designate;  Mary Broh, director-general-designate of the General Services Agency (GSA); Ledgerhood Rennie, director-general-designate of the Liberia Broadcasting System (LBS); Florence Brandy, superintendent of Montserrado County; Lemuel Reeves, commissioner-general of the Liberia Immigration Service (LIS);  James Henric Pearson Jr., director-designate of the National Security Agency (NSA); and Trokon Roberts, director-designate of the Executive Protection Service (EPS).

President Weah has also appointed Archibald Bernard as legal advisor to the president; CDC deputy secretary-general Janga Kowo as comptroller general; and CDC youth league chairman Jefferson Koijee as mayor of Monrovia. The full list of names also includes deputy, assistant ministers-designate and others, a number of whom are being retained from the Ellen Johnson Sirleaf administration. Read more

“50%” Women Inclusion In Government Taken Out Of Context -Says President Weah, Sources: FrontPage Africa, News Public Trust, and The NEWS

The Executive Mansion has clarified that the section of the Liberian population who think President George Weah has committed himself to forming his government with 50% women inclusion are rather taking the new Liberian leader out of context Presidential press secretary Sam Mannah in a release  Friday described as “a misconception” the notion coming out of a speech President Weah delivered on 20 January at the Antoinette Tubman Sports Stadium in Monrovia ahead of the 22 January inauguration that gender inclusion will be 50-50.

However, the Liberian leader clarified that during his speech at the women’s honoring program, he sought to retrospect on the then mandate by the National Elections Commission (NEC) requiring each political party to ensure 30 percent women participation in government. According to the release, “President Weah at the time was of the opinion that the 30 percent was too small and called for 50 percent women’s inclusion.” Read more

Laurence Bropleh Calls For Withdrawal of Justice Minister-Designate, Source: FrontPage Africa

Former information minister, Dr. Laurence Bropleh, says if it is established that the justice minister-designate, Cllr. Charles Gibson was embroiled in ethical issues then he is not fit to be the attorney general of the nation. Cllr. Gibson was suspended by the Liberia National Bar Association (LNBA) for misusing client’s resources.

His appointment as justice minister-designate by President George Weah has met a storm of criticisms from his fellow lawyers who argued that the justice minister must be someone with high ethical and moral behavior.

Dr. Bropleh echoed the criticism of Gibson’s nomination when he appeared on a local radio talk show in Paynesville and described the appointment by the president as a “misstep”. The former information minister continued:  “If that is the case then he cannot be the Attorney General. The Attorney General is the Dean of the Supreme Court Bar. He or she speaks for all Councilors at law at the opening of the Supreme Court. The Attorney General is the one person under our Constitution who is given the power and authority to advice our President. That person can be of no shading stature. So if the Supreme Court Justice rule in this matter and I have every reason to trust you…, then there is questionability over his appointment.” Read more

‘Enforce Recovery of Liberia’s Stolen Wealth’, BFF Advances 100-Day Proposal to President Weah, Source: Daily OBSERVER

The Better Future Foundation (BFF), the proponent of the Liberia Democracy Sustainability Platform (LDSP) has called on President George Weah’s administration to adopt alternative and practical strategies aimed at winning the fight against corruption in the public sector. In a release issued in Monrovia over the weekend, BFF proposed that the government launch a thorough assessment of all state apparatuses through comprehensive forensic audits geared towards promoting the fight against corruption. According to the BFF, this would ensure transparency, accountability, and probity in the implementation of national development programs and activities, which over the years have been heavily dependent on foreign aid and donor support. BFF specifically cautioned President Weah to set a 100-day time-frame where all past and current public officials at home and abroad who have illegitimately misappropriated public funds and other national assets to return said funds to the state to foster national development. Read more

LRA Poised To Collect USD200M To Support This Year’s Budget, Sources: News Public Trust, and The New Dawn

The Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) says it is expected to collect about USD200 million to contribute to the annual national budget this year. The LRA commissioner-general, Elfrieda Stewart Tamba speaking over the weekend at a ceremony marking the observance of the International Customs Day in Monrovia said the entity has since collected USD104 million this year. The current budget year ends by the first of June. Read more

Liberia Police Training Manuel To Include Human Rights, Source: News Public Trust

The Independent National Commission on Human Rights (INHRC) and the Liberia National Police (LNP) have signed an eight-count agreement aimed at instilling human rights in the training manual of the police. The agreement, which was signed by Rev. Bartholomew Colley, acting chairman of the INCHR; and Gregory Coleman, outgoing Inspector General of the Police (IGP) at the weekend called for the review of the police training curriculum by the rights commission. The deal also called for the conduct of field visits to the police training academy, assessing the learning environment and mode of teaching and recommend changes to meet international human rights requirements. Read more

‘Ban FGM, A Violation of Human Rights’ -Women’s Group urges 54th Legislature, Source: Daily OBSERVER

The National Working Group Against Female Genital Mutilation (NAWOGA-FGM) has called on members of the 54th Legislature to enact a law that will ban the practice of FGM in Liberia. The head of the steering committee of NAWOGA-FGM, Maim Robinson told reporters over the weekend that Liberia needs to respect the provisions of the international treaties and conventions to which it is a signatory. “We are calling on lawmakers and President George Weah to understand our feelings by protecting the rights of many young women and girls that are often oppressed and subjected to inhumane treatments under the disguise of tradition by legislating a law that will criminalize only the part of traditional rituals that involves the practice of FGM,” Robinson said. Read more

Labor Congress Wants Liberian Economy Industrialized, Source: News Public Trust

The Liberia Labor Congress (LLC) has called on the government of President George Weah to industrialize the Liberian economy by ensuring that concession companies are made to produce finish products for exportation. LLC secretary-general David Sackor said the Liberian economy will never improve as long as companies are only exporting raw materials. Mr. Sackor told a news conference in Monrovia Thursday that the LLC has welcomed President Weah’s promise to increase the wages of civil servants. The LLC official also stressed the need to increase the salaries of civil servants from survival stage to a middle-class level and put workers on the same level with those in the private sectors. Read more

Outgoing Inspector General of Police Coleman Bids Farewell, Source: FrontPage Africa

The outgoing Inspector General of Police (IGP), Gregory Coleman has extended his appreciation to former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for giving him the opportunity to serve his country. IGP Coleman in his departing statement said, “I was humbled and proud to be called on to serve my country and to lead the men and women in blue. As crucial as these periods were to the nation when I took over, at the time when both the UNMIL transition and elections were upon us, history was certainly made on the account of our diligence.”

According to the outgoing IGP, while on the job, he deeply admired the resilience of Liberians and their capacity to adapt to changes that would bring improvement in their lives. He said he would be ready and willing to avail himself anytime he’s called upon to render service to the nation. IGP Coleman then congratulated the incoming IGP Patrick Sudue, for his preferment to serve in that capacity. Read more


Liberia's Weah stresses anti-corruption for Africa's development, Source: Xinhua

The newly elected Liberian president, George Weah, in his first appearance at the African Union on Sunday, stressed anti-corruption efforts towards Africa's development. Speaking at the opening session of the 30th African Union (AU) Assembly of Heads of State and Government, Weah said that "Corruption is a plight that seems to present itself in all of our countries and manifest itself in many forms."

"I and my government will benefit immensely from the discussion on the most important theme of the conference --Winning the Fight Against Corruption: A Sustainable Path to Africa's Transformation," he said. According to Weah, corruption hinders Africa's progress and development. He also said that corruption has made it difficult for the African people to reach their true and fullest potential. Read more

Liberian President Commends Morocco’s AU Return as Reinforcing African Unity, Source: Morocco World News

Liberia’s newly-appointed president, George Weah, lauded Morocco’s return to the African Union on Sunday. For Weah, Morocco’s return reinforces the African unity. Weah described Morocco’s return as a positive development for the continent, in a press meeting parallel to the 30th AU Heads of State and Government Summit, held in the Ethiopian capital. The 30th AU Summit is marked by the participation of three newly-appointed Presidents: Liberia’s George Weah, Kenya’s Uhuru Kenyatta, and Angola’s Joao Lourenco. Read more

UNMIL police officers awarded United Nations medal, Source: United Nations Peacekeeping

For their remarkable service to the peacekeeping mission in Liberia, nine police officers of the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) were awarded United Nations medals at a ceremony organized in UNMIL HQ. Speaking at the award ceremony, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNMIL, Mr. Farid Zarif, praised the UN Police (UNPOL) for their ongoing support to national counterparts in Liberia building on the efforts of their predecessors over the fourteen years of UNMIL’s presence in Liberia. “In recognition of your services, I have the honor of giving you the medals that you have deserved in acknowledgment to your valuable contribution to peacekeeping, to the United Nations, to your own nation but first and foremost to the people of Liberia,” said SRSG Zarif. Read more

U.S. ICE Arrests 86 ‘Criminal Aliens’ including Liberians in North Texas and Oklahoma, Source: GNN Liberia

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Enforcement Removal Operations (ERO) announced Friday that they arrested 86 criminal aliens and other illegal immigrants during a three-day enforcement action operation. Federal officers targeted “criminal aliens” in North Texas and Oklahoma, but arrested other immigration violators, such as those who came into the country legally and overstayed their permission or immigrants who committed criminal acts that would make them eligible for deportation.

The press release states that “of the 86 arrested, 55 had criminal convictions; 82 were men and four were women. They range in age from 19 to 61 years old.” Those arrested hailed from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Bangladesh, Cameroon, Jordan, Laos, Liberia, Nigeria, Panama, Philippines, and Zimbabwe. Criminal aliens differ from illegal aliens in that they have been convicted of another crime in the United States in addition to living in the country with authorization. Read more


This media summary consists of selected local media articles for the information of UN personnel. The public distribution of this media summary is a courtesy service extended by UNMIL on the understanding that the choice of articles included is exclusive, and the contents do not represent anything other than a selection of articles likely to be of interest to a United Nations readership. The inclusion of articles in this summary does not imply endorsement by UNMIL.