Wednesday, 28 February 2018


Amid Biting Hardships, Senate Wants Full Disclosure on Actual Status of Liberian Economy, Sources: Daily OBSERVER and News Public Trust

The Senate Tuesday voted unanimously to mandate it’s Committees on Ways, Means, Finance and Budget, Banking and Currency to cite the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA), Central Bank of Liberia (CBL), and Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) “to present the actual status of the country’s economy.” This development comes against a backdrop of claims by former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf that she left USD155 million in the national coffers and counterclaims by President George Weah that the country is broke with its economy in a free fall.

Presidential press secretary Sam Mannah appeared to have upped the ante when he disclosed in a recent radio interview that only USD55 was left in the accounts of the Ministry of State, with 91 percent of its total budget already exhausted.

Meanwhile, Senator Nyonblee Karnga Lawrence, chair of the Senate Committee on Rules, Order and Administration has requested the House’s plenary to have the three financial institutions brief the committee on the financial statements of the reserved balances and realistic projections on revenue collections. Read more

Is Liberia Broke? House summons CBL, LRA, Finance Ministry to know the “Balance in National Coffers”, Sources: Daily OBSERVER, News Public Trust, The New Dawn, and The NEWS

President George Weah’s pronouncement that ‘the economy is broken, and the government is broke,’ contrary to declarations by former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf who maintained that her administration left over USD150 million in the national coffers, has compelled the House of Representatives to vote to summon three public financial institutions to appear before it to clarify the confusion. The House plenary unanimously voted to summon the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL), the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA), and the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) to appear on Thursday, March 1, in the House’s Chamber. The three public institutions are invited to explain the “Controversial USD150 million which the Sirleaf administration left in the coffers and the announcement by President Weah that the country is broke.” Read more

Liberian Government Vendors Checks Bouncing Over Controversial Finance Minister Directive, Source: FrontPage Africa

FrontPage Africa reports that a controversial directive from finance minister Samuel Tweah has many Liberian government vendors scratching their heads. “Kindly note that with the exception of payroll checks the bank will not honor any other payment without a release from the Finance Ministry,” said Ecobank Liberia. Already, banks are reportedly refusing to honor checks from government institutions without a form from the finance minister’s office, FrontPage Africa has learned. But Tweah in a FrontPage Africa interview Tuesday said the measure is simply an enforcement of a Presidential mandate. “We are only following an order from the president. The president has issued financial directives that will ensure that he effectively controls government spending.”

Following his inauguration in January, President George Weah issued an Executive Order, directing all autonomous agencies and public corporations of the government to authorize and expend a cumulative amount of not more than USD3,000 for operational expenses. “Any amount above the USD3,000 threshold must seek approval from the Office of the President,” instructed the directive. Read more

Foreign Minister Findley Promises to Strengthen Ties With United States, Source: FrontPage Africa

Foreign minister Gbehzohngar Findley has reiterated Liberia’s commitment to strengthen and deepen the traditional ties of friendship and cooperation subsisting between Liberia and the United States. According to a Foreign Ministry release, foreign minister Findley spoke Tuesday when Samuel Watson, the chargé d’affaires of the US Embassy, paid a courtesy call on him at his Foreign Ministry Office. While welcoming the US diplomat, Findley thanked Watson for the visit and told him that the United States will always remain Liberia’s first and biggest traditional ally. The foreign minister then recounted the historic traditional ties subsisting between Liberia and the United States. Read more

Liberian Government, UNICEF Sign USD5M Annual Work Plan, Source: FrontPage Africa

The Liberian government through the Public Works Ministry and UNICEF-Liberia Monday signed a USD5 million dollars annual work plan. According to the work plan, UNICEF is to provide the monetary support over a period of one year. The amount, the document indicates, will be used to enhance the WASH program of three government agencies, including the ministries of Public Works, Health, and Education.

At the signing ceremony in Monrovia, public works minister Mobutu Nyenpan underscored the need for collaboration among partners in the WASH sector if they must address challenges facing the sector. He stated that the annual work plan is an embodiment of the commitment of both UNICEF and the Ministry to ensure that there is a reduction in the risks that children face due to the inadequacies of WASH-related services.

On his part, UNICEF country representative, Dr. Sulaman Bramoh indicated that UNICEF was happy to be partnering with the Liberian government through the Public Works Ministry and other government agencies to address challenges facing the WASH sector. He said UNICEF-Liberia remains committed to working with the new administration in tackling key WASH-related challenges by ensuring the delivery of quality services to the people of Liberia. Read more

New Gender Minister to Reopen Rape Case Involving Former Lawmaker, Source: FrontPage Africa

The new gender minister is aiming to reopen the investigation into the alleged rape case involving former Grand Gedeh County lawmaker, Morias Waylee. The former lawmaker reportedly impregnated his 13-year-old niece who was staying with him, but was later moved to an unknown location after the alleged rape was reported. The incident allegedly took place in May 2017. The girl’s father was also reported to be the driver of Mr. Waylee.

Williametta Piso Saydee Tarr in an exclusive interview with FrontPage Africa in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia said she will ensure the SGBV Unit of the ministry points out faults in order to take the case to court.  “I do know about the case, (but) I know that it was reported, so with me at the ministry, this is the kind of cases that we will be looking at and how we can go and advocate for the rights of the victim,” Tarr said. “If there are hitches at the legal system, we will push for the legal system to push through and if it is something else we will try to study the situation and understand how we can get involved in it,” she continued Read more

Lawmaker wants Constitution rewritten, Source: The New Dawn

Nimba County Representative Larry Younquoi says he wants Liberia’s Constitution to be rewritten because it contains so many wrong things that will dilute the essence of conducting any referendum. “So these are issues that are making us to feel that the Constitution of this country needs to be rewritten because we got so many things wrong with it that … even if we want to amend, I’m sorry you will not do referendum with over 10 or 15 questionnaires. Then the essence will be diluted,” Representative Younquoi told the state broadcaster ELBC, this week. He argues that to change even a word in the Constitution, it got to be subjected to a referendum, expressing doubt as to how over 10 or 15 questionnaires could be taken to a referendum to address the so many problems he sees in the Constitution. Read more

House Mulls Passage of National Student Cadet Act, Source: Daily OBSERVER

A Joint House Committee on Education, Judiciary, Labor, Youth and Sports, Ways, Means and Finance is reviewing an Act entitled: “National Student Cadet Act of 2018.” The Joint Committee has been mandated by the Plenary on Tuesday to study the Act and report to it in two weeks. The proposed law is intended to assist impoverished parents and guardians and self-supported students as well as to prevent mass dropout due to the high cost of education throughout Liberia. The House’s decision to review the Act was prompted by a communication from Sinoe County Representative Crayton Duncan. Read more

EPS Dismisses Reports of Lapses, Disenchantment, Irregular Recruitment, Source: Daily OBSERVER

Officials of the Executive Protection Force (EPS) have denied claims of disenchantment within the ranks and outrightly dismissed reports carried in the media about the alleged absorption of hundreds of ex-fighters, on the recommendation of Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor, and other elements of unknown character, also on the alleged recommendation of President George Weah. However, this view was challenged by rank and file officers who, speaking on conditions of anonymity, maintained that there is indeed disenchantment in the ranks owing mainly to the infusion of unidentified elements of questionable characters into the ranks of the EPS since the ascendancy of Mr. Weah as president. Read more

‘Weak Enforcement of Local Laws Responsible for Increase in Child Labor’ -Says Deputy Labor Minister Dixon, Source: Daily OBSERVER

Deputy labor minister for planning and manpower development, Atty. Phil Dixon has blamed the increase in child labor practices in the country on the weak system of local law enforcement. Atty. Dixon said that though there cannot be 100 percent monitoring of child labor activities in the country and on the enforcement of local laws, there are some instances where the practice was identified and that the ministry took substantive efforts to reduce them. The deputy labor minister made the statement Tuesday at the opening of a two-day workshop of the National Child Labor Monitoring System (CLMS) Working Group held at the YMCA in Monrovia. Read more

Fouani Brothers Fined USD25,000 for Hiking Price of Eggs, Sources: Daily OBSERVER, FrontPage Africa, and The NEWS

The media reports that in the wake of a shortage of commodities on the market, including eggs, the Commerce Ministry has discovered that Fouani Brothers Incorporated hiked the price of eggs, for which the company was fined USD25,000 for deliberately, blatantly, and willfully violating the Competition Law of 2016. Commerce minister  Wilson Tarpeh told a news confab Tuesday that a communication has been delivered to Fouani Brothers and the money will be paid to the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) within 72 hours. Read more

No Shortage Of Petroleum Products …Minister Tarpeh, Source: The NEWS

The minister of commerce,  Wilson Tarpeh has disclosed that there is no shortage of petroleum products on the Liberian market. His comment comes in the wake of speculations of a shortage of petroleum products in the country. Minister Tarpeh told a news confab Tuesday in Monrovia that there are sufficient petroleum products in the country. He also said there is a slow arrival of vessels with petroleum products. However, the commerce minister said the vessels will arrive this Thursday with more petroleum to add on to the ones that are currently in the country. Tarpeh has meanwhile warned that the Ministry will not allow any business entity to create an artificial shortage of petroleum products.

‘Open The Rice Market’ …Deputy Commerce Minister, Source: The NEWS

Deputy commerce minister for small business administration has stressed the need for the government to open the rice market to many importers. Jemima Wolokollie said it is unacceptable to have just five importers of the nation’s staple commodity. This, Ms. Wolokollie said, is responsible for the hardship the people of Liberia have been facing. Speaking at a joint news conference Tuesday in Monrovia, the deputy commerce minister said the government will not allow for only five importers to import rice to Liberia. She said the Ministry would do everything possible to open the rice market. Read more

Mayor Koijee Promises 100 Jobs for Disadvantaged Youth, Sources: Daily OBSERVER, The New Dawn, and The NEWS

Several disadvantaged youths from various areas in Monrovia Tuesday paid a courtesy visit to the Monrovia City mayor, Jefferson Koijee, who promised to provide at least 100 jobs for them. They explained that their visit was to plead with the Monrovia mayor to create job opportunities to enable them, attend to some of their basic necessities. According to them,  they were now weary of daily street begging for little or nothing; a situation that usually leaves them in harm’s way especially during the night hours. “Creating jobs for disadvantaged youth will help to support the government’s pro-poor agenda and protect the presidency of George Weah in his quest to transform Liberia,” the leader of the young people, Ebenezer Grant said. Read more

Youth and Sports Ministry, Indiana University to Partner on Youth Project, Source: Daily OBSERVER

The Liberian government through the Youth and Sports Ministry and the Indiana University (IU) in the United States have begun collaborative efforts to establish a youth development project in Liberia. The project will focus on using sports as a tool for youth development and healthy living. In a letter to the ministry’s youth development director, Mamakizel Sicar, IU School of Public Health Associate Professor Sarah Young said the project participants will include both adults and youth. “The adults,” according to Prof. Young, are expected “to work with youth and implement recreational sports programs on a weekly basis with time-outs for discussions about health issues.” Read more

2 Women Arrested at RIA with 8.1Kg of Heroin, Sources: Daily OBSERVER and The New Dawn

The Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency (LDEA) over the weekend arrested two women at the Roberts International Airport (RIA) in Margibi County for allegedly possessing 8.1kg of heroin. Suspects Cecelia Toby, 42, and Florence Washington, 39, made an open confession while undergoing preliminary investigation. But they pleaded for mercy, claiming they were duped. The women burst into tears alleging they were “being duped by their Nigerian friend, who they identified as Paul Sirleaf, a resident of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Cecelia and Florence claimed Paul promised to give each of them USD15,000 each if they were to reach the items safely in Liberia. Read more

27 Government Vehicles Retrieved From Former Ellen Officials, Amidst 2-Week Ultimatum, Source: News Public Trust

At least 27 vehicles belonging to the government have so far been retrieved from former officials of the erstwhile ruling Unity Party (UP) government of ex-President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the Special Presidential Task Force (SPTF) has said in Monrovia. Benedict Reeves, a member of the SPTF told reporters Monday that some former ministers and other officials continued to illegally hold on to government assets, making it difficult for the new government to operate. Reeves has meanwhile called for the overhaul of the General Services Agency (GSA) fleet management, security and vehicle procedures at this government agency. Read more

PUL Vows To Protect Liberian Journalists Nationwide, Source: News Public Trust

The Press Union of Liberia (PUL) has vowed to protect journalists across the length and breadth of the country. PUL president Charles Coffey says journalists are not “whipping dogs” rather community servants and as such, they need maximum protection and safety at all times why performing their professional duties… Coffey described as barbaric and violation of the laws attacks on journalists while performing their professional functions. The PUL president was speaking over the weekend, during an appreciation ceremony of Nimba journalists organized by the Nimba County Community Radio Network (NICORA) in Saclepea City in northeastern Liberia. Read more

Agriculture Can Curb Youth Unemployment, Spur Economic Growth, Sources: Daily OBSERVER and The New Dawn

The country director of Africa Rice has called for more investments and attention for Liberia’s agriculture sector as it has the potential to absorb many, if not all, of the problems that Liberia is currently faced with, most especially its huge economic challenges. Dr. Innousa Akintayo said the agriculture sector does not only have the latent possibilities to address the enormous economic problems being experienced by Liberians, it would also serve as a driver of employment, mainly among the large vulnerable youth population. Speaking at a Smallholder Agricultural Productivity Enhancement and Commercialization (SAPEC) project workshop for stakeholders in Gbarnga, Bong County, Dr. Akintayo noted that all of the precarious conditions that President George Weah enumerated during his State of the Nation address can be fixed if sincere efforts are made in the agriculture sector. Read more

Consultation on Framework of SDGs Gets Underway Friday, Source: The NEWS

The first national consultation of the Civil Peace Service for the implementation of the New Deal Framework on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) gets underway this Friday, in Monrovia. A press release from the organizers says the consultation is being held in collaboration with the Society Platform on Peacebuilding. The SDGs is a collection of 17 global goals set by the UN, which focus on quality education, decent work and economic growth, peace, justice and strong institutions, among others. Friday’s consultation will also review the current state of civil society organizations on the different frameworks and goals on peacebuilding as a way forward to strategically determine its next course of action and develop a joint CSO plan of action for the next 12 months. Read more


This media summary consists of selected local media articles for the information of UN personnel. The public distribution of this media summary is a courtesy service extended by UNMIL on the understanding that the choice of articles included is exclusive, and the contents do not represent anything other than a selection of articles likely to be of interest to a United Nations readership. The inclusion of articles in this summary does not imply endorsement by UNMIL.