31 October 2017


NEC Hears Unity Party Request for Intervention in LP Claims, Source: FrontPage Africa

The National Elections Commission (NEC) independent hearing officer, Cllr. Muana Ville has begun hearing into a motion filed by the ruling Unity Party (UP) to intervene in the case involving Cllr. Charles Brumskine and Harrison Karnwea, presidential and vice presidential candidates of the Liberty Party (LP) versus the NEC.  NEC lawyer, Musa Dean argued that the UP did not live up to the constitutional requirement which calls for timely intervention and prayed the hearing officer to throw out the motion. Further, another UP lawyer, Varney Sherman accused NEC of failing to inform the UP which is a party of interest in the case and may one way or the other be injured by the decision on the LP request for a rerun of the October 10 elections.

Crucial decision, Sources: FrontPage Africa and New DEMOCRAT

Speaking at the Capitol Building on Monday, Senator George Weah, the standard bearer of the main opposition Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) urged the Supreme Court and international partners to pay keen attention to the electoral process and ensure that the will of the people prevail.  “We would like to say that the peace and stability of this country lie in the hands of the Supreme Court. The Liberian people are watching, the voice of the people is the voice of God and the will of the people must be respected,” he asserted. Also, Senator Weah called on members of the CDC to remain peaceful as they go about with their campaign activities but at the same time called on the Liberia National Police to provide protection for his supporters as they campaign.

Weah teases Boakai –I feel your pains, Source: The New Dawn

The New Dawn reports that barely a week to the runoff presidential election, the standard bearer of the main opposition Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) has been teasing Vice President Joseph Boakai, the standard bearer of the ruling Unity Party (UP) saying, he feels the pains of his rival.

“I feel your pains, I too went through such pains during the 2005 and 2001 elections,” Senator George Weah expresses in a nationwide address Monday delivered in the Rotunda of the Capitol Building on Capitol Hill.

Senator Weah notes that Mr. Boakai who is seeking to replace President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is complaining that he was cheated in the October 10 elections. The UP alleges that results from the polls do not represent the actual votes cast in the first round of elections. Read more

“Complaining while campaigning” –Weah Accuses Unity Party, Sources: The ANALYST and The INQUIRER

The standard bearer of the main opposition Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) has rejected claims by the governing Unity Party (UP) that the 10 October elections were heavily influenced by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and were also marked by massive irregularities and fraud. Senator George Weah said, “they are complaining while campaigning, please don’t be carried away by detractors, and I encourage you to come out and vote for the CDC on November 7th, 2017.”

Senator Weah also accused the Liberty Party (LP), All Liberian Party (ALP), and the ruling party of playing double standard after he realized that though the aggrieved political parties have issued a joint statement condemning the October elections in the country including the LP forwarding official lawsuit against the National Elections Commission (NEC), all of the aggrieved parties are still canvassing for the impending runoff.

Meanwhile, Weah has urged CDC partisans to remain calm and promised that he would do nothing to undermine the country peace and stability. 

BFF Concerned Over Claims of Presidential Interference, Sources: INSIGHT and The ANALYST

The Better Future Foundation (BFF) has expressed grave concern and shock over allegations by the governing Unity party (UP) along with the opposition Liberty Party (LP) and All Liberian Party (ALP) that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is “directly interfering with, and manipulating” the 2017 presidential and legislative elections in Liberia.

In a release issued in Monrovia on Monday, BFF said the assertions by the UP and its collaborating political parties that the alleged action by the president is aimed at sowing seeds of discord with the intent of disrupting the country’s fragile peace and stability is very worrisome.

According to BFF, the allegations levied against the president by the three political parties have the potential to undermine national security and democratic governance, with severe regional implications. The BFF, therefore, wants an independent, comprehensive, credible, and conclusive probe of the allegations.

Two Arrested in Nimba County for Trading Voters ID Cards, Source: FrontPage Africa

Police in Nimba County have arrested two young boys for allegedly trading voter identification cards ahead of the 7 November presidential runoff. Ezekiel Kargon, 19 and Kelvin David, 23, are who are being interrogated by the police in Sanniquellie City, were arrested Saturday selling the voters card. They told the police that they were promised 25,000 Liberian dollars after completing the sale.

Police Incapable of Multiple Crimes Response, Sources: FrontPage Africa and The ANALYST

Findings contained in a new report released over the weekend in Monrovia by the civil society group, Open Liberia have indicated that the Liberia National Police is incapable of responding to multiple crimes reported at the same time, which the report blames on the lack of operational logistics. The report also accuses the LNP central administration of strangulating the performance of officers at depots; blaming the situation on “imbalance in the distribution of police resources.

Symposium on the Safety of Journalists set for today in Monrovia, Source: INSIGHT

The Insight reports that the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) announces the conduct today Tuesday of the Second Media and Political Parties Symposium on the Safety of Journalists at the YMCA Auditorium as part of the project “Strengthening Conflict Sensitivity in Journalism and Social Media Towards Supporting Peaceful Elections in Liberia.” The project is a part of UNESCO’s International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC).

Of late, attacks have increased against journalists during the course in the aftermath of the first round of the 2017 Presidential and Legislative Elections. The symposium will stimulate a frank dialogue on the deportment of journalists as well as promote journalists’ safety by working with politicians to discourage crimes against journalists, especially in the build-up to the presidential runoff slated for 7 November.

Cybersecurity Messages Resonate LIBTELCO Sends Warning, Source: INSIGHT

The Liberia Telecommunications Corporation (LIBTELCO) has renewed calls to institutions in the public and private sectors in Liberia to protect their networks and other electronic equipment against possible cyber-attack.

Speaking during the start of a three-day National Cybersecurity Training organized by LIBTELCO, Hak Technology and TechMedia International on Monday in Monrovia, LIBTELCO head of cybersecurity, Al Hassan Sheriff, explained that the three-day training is aimed at sharpening the minds of attendees and their institutions about the importance of Cyber Security, which is timely in protecting technological materials which are important for all institutions.


Can George Weah lead Liberia?, Source: Africa Times

Despite its turbulent history, marred by civil war and the 2014 Ebola epidemic, Liberia should be on the verge of experiencing the first peaceful transition of power in 73 years. With President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf stepping down after two terms, former international football star and now Senator George Weah, 51 is the favorite to win the presidential run-off slated for November 7th. Having recently received the endorsement of Prince Johnson, who came 4th in the first round, the momentum seems to have swung behind Weah, at the expense of his opponent, current Vice President Joseph Boakai.

But after a surprise announcement on Sunday from the ruling party, the country’s democratic transition is in doubt. In a spectacular show of skullduggery, Boakai‘s Unity Party (UP) released a statement accusing fellow party member and outgoing President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of conspiring to “veer Liberia off from the path of peace” by conspiring to rig the election and install Weah as president. The statement concluded with “none of us had the slightest thought that a president who was democratically elected twice would endeavor to create discord.” The UP has now joined two opposition parties who had petitioned the Supreme Court to re-run the vote over allegations of voter fraud. The Court is expected to rule on October 31st and, if it finds in favor of the plaintiffs, it could ask the Electoral Commission to cancel the results of the October 10th poll. Read more


This media summary consists of selected local media articles for the information of UN personnel. The public distribution of this media summary is a courtesy service extended by UNMIL on the understanding that the choice of articles included is exclusive, and the contents do not represent anything other than a selection of articles likely to be of interest to a United Nations readership. The inclusion of articles in this summary does not imply endorsement by UNMIL.