24 November 2017


Liberia Risks Constitutional Crisis Over Delayed Elections, Source: FrontPage Africa

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has become concerned about the current state of affairs surrounding the Presidential elections in Liberia.

In a statement, the UNSC applauded political leaders for upholding the rule of law and channeling their grievances of the legal process but urged that cases before the National Elections Commission (NEC) and the courts be adjudicated expeditiously.

“The members of the Security Council called on Liberian claimants and institutions to resolve any disputes, including pending litigation, in an appropriate, fair, transparent, and expeditious manner with a view to permit the timely conclusion of Liberia’s electoral process and a peaceful transition of power to a new President in accordance with timelines outlined in Liberia’s Constitution,” UN release stated. Read more

UP, LP Suffer Setback …At NEC, Sources: Daily OBSERVER, FrontPage Africa, and The NEWS

Barely two days after their complaints of irregularities and fraud during the October 10 polls were trashed by the National Elections Commission (NEC) hearing officer, the opposition Liberty Party (LP) and the ruling Unity Party (UP) have suffered another setback.

On Wednesday, the two parties filed a motion to the NEC Board of Commissioners for chairman Jerome Korkoya to recuse himself from hearing their appeal before the board. However, the Board of Commissioners on Thursday, having listened to legal arguments of the two political parties and the NEC, denied the motion. The Board in its ruling said the UP and LP’s motion does not have any legal basis. The NEC Board of Commissioners pointed out that Korkoya’s statement about the elections being free, fair, and credible did not prejudice or undermine the investigation of irregularities and frauds as alleged by the two political parties.

However, the two parties took exception to the Board’s ruling and announced an appeal to the Supreme Court of Liberia. Meanwhile, the Board of Commissioners has announced that it would today Friday rule on the appeal filed before it by the LP and the UP. Read more

Senator Cooper Wants Aggrieved Parties Abandon Legal Issues, Source: FrontPage Africa

Margibi Senator Oscar Cooper has called on political parties protesting the results of the October 10 polls to abandon their legal pursuit against the National Elections Commission (NEC). Senator Cooper, who contested in the October polls as an independent presidential candidate has decried that the political impasse in the country has created unbearable hardship for Liberians.

The Margibi lawmaker is urging leaders of Liberty Party (LP), Unity Party (UP), Alternative National Congress (ANC), All Liberian Party (ALP), and all other institutions to realize the need to put Liberia first by unconditionally accepting to go to the runoff in the interest of the people and country.

“I want to urge especially the Liberty and Unity Parties that in the interest of our country, let’s accept to go to the runoff in order to keep the democracy and stability of our country moving forward. As we are in this holding pattern, investors are going run away from our country,” Cooper noted. Read more

Israel Akinsanya, Formerly of Liberty Party, Joins CDC, Source: FrontPage Africa

Days after he resigned from the opposition Liberty Party (LP), Mr. Israel Akinsanya has joined ranks with the main opposition Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC). He is the second top member of the LP who has joined the CDC.

On Tuesday, he tended in his letter of resignation from the LP and thanked the party for allowing him the opportunity to serve. He once served as chairman of the party.

Joining the CDC, Akinsanya, described the CDC as a party that has the mandate of the Liberian people and his decision to join them was not only to endorse Senator George Weah’s presidency but to officially join the party as a member.  “I am more focus on moving forward and more focus on working with the people’s agenda and I think the CDC has that mandate," said the LP former chairman. Read more

UP Youth Wing Demands President Sirleaf’s Expulsion, Source: Daily OBSERVER

The Daily Observer reports that the headquarters of the ruling Unity Party (UP) Thursday witnessed a brief protest as members of the youth-wing booed some emissaries of the embattled standard bearer emeritus of the party, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, to the party’s grounds. The angry young people also petitioned some Executive Members of the party for the immediate expulsion of President Sirleaf.

According to the young people, the president is no longer committed to the cause(s) of the party and her actions and inactions are detrimental to the forward march of the institution, especially at such a crucial time when the party should be preparing for the most crucial aspect of the 2017 elections.

“We want for President Sirleaf to be expelled from our beloved party immediately. She is of no help to our cause as a party and as such we don’t need her. We shouldn’t sit and allow this woman to destroy our noble institution,” Emmanuel James, who said he is a member of the youth wing, told the Daily Observer. He said the party’s leniency with the standard bearer emeritus provided her enough space to hurt the party, as it is being felt now. James indicated that if stringent measures had been taken against her, as suggested in the past by some top officials, the UP would not have found herself in such an embarrassing situation. Read more

President Sirleaf, Japanese Ambassador To Dedicate Stockton Creek Bridge, Source: FrontPage Africa

The Liberian government and the Embassy of Japan in Monrovia will dedicate two bridges funded by Japan through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Japanese Counterpart Value Fund (JCVF) in Montserrado and Grand Cape Mount Counties on Friday and Saturday, 24-25 November respectively.

According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is expected to dedicate both bridges and will be witnessed by the Japanese Ambassador to Liberia, Mr. Kaoru Yoshimuru.

Today Friday, President Sirleaf will dedicate the Stockton Creek Bridge that connects Bushrod Island and Gardnersville near the Jamaica Road junction. Read more


This media summary consists of selected local media articles for the information of UN personnel. The public distribution of this media summary is a courtesy service extended by UNMIL on the understanding that the choice of articles included is exclusive, and the contents do not represent anything other than a selection of articles likely to be of interest to a United Nations readership. The inclusion of articles in this summary does not imply endorsement by UNMIL.