27 November 2017


ECOWAS Parliament Discusses Liberia, Sources: The New Dawn and The NEWS

According to a dispatch from Abuja, Nigeria the ECOWAS Parliament opened its Fourth 2nd Ordinary Session on Tuesday, 21 November with focus on Liberia’s current election disputes and other issues affecting the region. ECOWAS Parliament Speaker Moustapha Cisse Lo in his welcome remarks also named the political situation in Togo, the reported issue of modern day slavery in Libya and the humanitarian situation of victims of Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria, among others.

The Speaker however talked about the ameliorating actions already taken as well as the planned interventions by the regional parliamentarians in such situations. The Second Session which began on November 21, 2017 will end on December 9, 2017 during which time the regional parliamentarians will also consider the budget of the ECOWAS institutions and agencies, among others. Speaker Lo also paid tribute to regional and parliamentary leaders for their outstanding contributions to the stability of the region and the evolution of regional parliamentarianism. Read More

Liberia Awaits Maximum Seven Days for Fate on Presidential Elections, Source: FrontPage Africa and Daily OBSERVER

This paper report that the opposition Liberty Party (LP) and the ruling Unity Party (UP) will now have to look up the Supreme Court of Liberia for a re-run of the 10 October elections, which they claim, were flawed by massive ‘irregularities and fraud’. Their appeal to the Supreme Court was necessitated by the upholding of the National Elections Commission (NEC) Hearing Officer’s ruling by the NEC Board of Commissioners in which he said the aggrieved parties failed to substantiate allegations of fraud during the course of the hearing. 

Giving the ruling on the appeal filed with the NEC Board of Commissioners Friday, Commissioner Davidetta Lassanah said though it is acknowledged by all that there were some irregularities during the election, the overall effect did not affect the outcome of the elections. The Board’s review of the Hearing Officer’s ruling and after entertaining final arguments confirmed and reaffirmed Hearing Officer Muana Ville’s ruling on grounds that he did not err at any point in time of his ruling.  The Board of Commissioners also disagreed that the NEC was in violation of the law by ‘failing’ to publish the Final Registration Roll. 

Meanwhile, lawyers representing the two political parties took exception to the ruling and announced that they will take an appeal to the Supreme Court.  Cllr. Varney Sherman who represented the ruling Unity Party described the ruling as erroneous, but said he would prove his case at the Supreme Court. Upon filing the appeal, the Supreme Court, per the dictates of the Constitution, has a maximum of seven days to review the case and make a determination.  The Supreme Court’s ruling on the matter will determine whether or not Liberia will have a runoff election or a rerun of the 10 October elections. Read More

UP, LP appeal to Supreme Court, Source: The New Dawn and The NEWS

Ruling Unity Party (UP) and opposition Liberty Party (LP) says they will take appeal to the Supreme Court of Liberia, after losing an alleged elections fraud and irregularities case heard at the level of the National Elections Commission (NEC). The parties are seeking a re-run of the 10 October presidential and representatives’ elections over claims of fraud and irregularities.

The NEC had earlier denied the UP and LP’s request for Cllr. Jerome George Korkoya to recuse himself from the hearing of their appeal before the Board of Commissioners, accusing the head of the electoral house of prejudging the case before presiding. Read More

NEC Linked to Nimba District #8 Election Dispute, Source: The NEWS

This paper reports that the Supreme Court will today begin hearing a complaint filed before it by Saye S. Mianah, the announced winner of Nimba County District#8 representative seat in the October 10 legislative election that has linked authorities of the National Elections Commission (NEC) to ‘unconstitutionally setting aside’ the result of the poll for a re-count of the votes.

Mianah’s allegation also included the incumbent lawmaker Larry Yanquoi and NEC training officer Daniel Gegbeson for facilitating the re-count, an act he said contradicts Article 83 of the 1986 Constitution. The parties are expected to appear before Associate Justice Kabineh Ja’neh, the current Justice in Chamber today. Read More

Gender Minister Wants Liberia’s Domestic Violence Bill Signed into Law, Source: FrontPage Africa

The Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Julia Duncan-Cassell has reiterated her call for the passing into Law the Domestic Violence Law that will serve as deterrent to potential perpetrators. Madam Duncan-Cassell said that the Ministry along with its partners will spotlight, inform and raise awareness around the nation about gender-based violence and how it affects not only the survivor but the educational system of Liberia and peace of vulnerable people.

“Domestic violence, especially persistent denial of support, abandonment of families as well as incest, has eroded the fabrics of our society and has increased the vulnerability of children to the negative influence of society. These forms of violence have been considered as grave contributing factors to child prostitution, street children, school drop outs and teenage pregnancy and it is gradually destroying the future of the young generation,” she said.

This year’s 16 Days of Activism is under the National theme” Let’s Embrace our Diversities for safe Education and violent Free Society.” She said rape remains a major threat to the security of women and girls across Liberia and noted that from January to September this year, 10 women have died as the a result of direct domestic violence in Bong, Grand Bassa, Nimba and Montserrado Counties. A total of 892 cases of GBV were reported of which 506 were raped cases this year and quarterly report pointing to 97 percent of Gender Based-Violence. 

UN Women, Orange-Liberia Launch Partnership to Empower Women, Source: FrontPage Africa

UN Women and the telecommunications company Orange-Liberia have launched partnership to provide Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Mobile Banking Services to women and girls from UN Women-supported networks such as the Association of Women in Cross Border Trade, the National Rural Women Structure and the Peace Hut Women of Liberia.

Through the partnership, the women will be trained to utilize various ICT platforms to facilitate financial transactions between rural market women and their suppliers; Facilitate purchase of goods and payment to vendors, as well as become Mobile Money Agents in their communities through the Village and Saving Loans Associations.

UN Women Liberia Country Representative Marie Goreth Nizigama at the launch of the partnership in Monrovia said the partnership with Orange-Liberia demonstrates UN Women’s commitment to working with the private sector in ways that promote gender equality and the economic empowerment of women and girls. Read More

Evil hands take over UP, Source: The New Dawn

A stalwart of governing Unity Party (UP) Representative Worlea Saway Dunah says evil hands have taken over the ruling party, allegedly creating serious problem for those who have worked over the years to make the party what it is today. The Nimba County Representative told this paper Sunday morning, 26 November at his Paynesville residence that UP’s leadership headed by Wilmot Paye, Neto Zarzar Lighe and others of allegedly showing total disrespect to standard bearer emeritus, incumbent President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.

He alleged that there are reports of some elements within the party considering the expulsion of President Sirleaf from the party over claims of her alleged reluctant role played in the 2017 representatives and presidential elections. The Nimba County lawmaker described the UP leadership as people who think evil about the president, noting that the Unity Party is where it is today due to the achievements and leadership role being played by the president. Read More

Man Nabbed With Fake AFL, Security Agencies ID Cards, Source: FrontPage Africa

The Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) is investigating a man identified as Franklin Matthew for impersonating as personnel of the AFL and he was found to be carrying an AFL ID card and other ID cards belonging to other state security agencies, this paper reports.

The imposter was arrested on Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at the Zone 8 Police Station in Paynesville through the collaborative efforts of the Department of Defense Intelligence (DDI) at the Ministry of National Defense and the Liberia National Police (LNP), when the alleged imposter introduced himself as AFL personnel who was in search of his reported missing mobile phone.

Having been referred to DDI operatives detailed at the station to authenticate the imposter’s identity as AFL personnel it was established by DDI operatives that imposter Franklin Matthew is not a member of the AFL even though he was found to be in possession of AFL ID. During preliminary investigation, imposter Matthew revealed that the AFL ID he possesses is illegal and that it was produced at the “World Trade Center” on Gurley Street in Monrovia. Meanwhile, further investigation into the crux of this grave security issue is ongoing.

Pres. Sirleaf Dedicates Diah Bridge, Fish Landing Cluster in Grand Cape Mount County, Sources: FrontPage Africa and The New Dawn

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on Saturday, 25 November 2017 dedicated Diah Bridge in Tewor District, Grand Cape Mount County; commending the government of Japan for what she termed as Japan’s expression of interest not only in Monrovia but for people in the rural Liberia. The Diah Bridge, which is 84 feet × 31 feet, was constructed by a Liberian company. It is expected to benefit over 15,000 inhabitants in the district and parts adjacent.

According to an Executive Mansion release, the Bridge was constructed with funding from the Government of Japan through its Commodity Value Fund (CVF); a grant from the people of Japan as a symbol of friendship and cooperation between the governments of Japan and Liberia. Performing the ceremony, President Sirleaf commended the government and people of Japan, especially Prime Minister Abe for such a wonderful gift to the people of Liberia. On his part, Japanese Ambassador Kaoru Yoshimura said he was grateful to witness the completion of the Stockton Creek and Diah Bridges completion.

Meanwhile, President Sirleaf has cut ribbon and dedicated the Robertsport Fish Landing Cluster in Grand Cape Mount County. She described the project as "good." She commended the World Bank for its support to Liberia's development initiatives. The Liberian leader said the initiative will give a big boast to the revenue generating effort of the government. Making remarks, World Bank Liberia Country Manager, Ms. Larisa Leshechenko said the artisanal fisheries of Liberia provide a livelihood to approximately 33,000 full-time fishers and processors in the coastal countries. She maintained the World Bank will continue to partner with the Liberian government to enhance the capacity for the operations and management of the facility, and for sustainable management of the coastal resources to support livelihoods in coastal communities.

Two Liberian Diplomats Expelled by UK Government, Source: FrontPage Africa

According to FrontPage Africa, the United Kingdom government has declared two Liberian diplomats serving at the Liberian Embassy in London as persona non grata as full details of the declaration have not been disclosed. Mr. Jay Napoleon Toquie, II and Mr. Chester Dweh Barh, Sr. were notified of their “persona non grata” status through a written communication via the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the U.K. Government. 

The letter, written by Barry Nicholas of the Diplomatic Missions and Foreign Organizations Unit of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office informs the Charge d’Affaires of the Liberian Embassy in London, Mr. Ibrahim Nyei, about the UK government’s decision. By extension, the families and all other dependents of the two expelled diplomats have been affected by the declaration and have also been notified of Her Majesty the Queen’s government decision, the letter says. 

While it remains unclear what prompted the UK decision, diplomatic sources hinted FPA that the British Police have succeeded in compiling a dossier of evidence linking the two staffs of the Liberian Diplomatic Mission in London to alleged money laundering with some Europeans, fraud, and prostitution within the Liberian Embassy. Sources say the two have often embarrassed the country by violating local laws. Mr. Toquie, II, was commissioned in 2007 by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf as the First Secretary and Consul of the Embassy of Liberia to Great Britain and Northern Ireland, while Mr. Barh serves as Counselor at the Embassy in London.  Read More

Police Urge Students to Join Peace Efforts, Source: The New Dawn and The NEWS

Deputy Police Inspector General for Operations Col. Abraham Kromah has pleaded with students at the United Methodist University (UMU) on Ashmum Street to join an ongoing peace effort between the Liberia National Police (LNP) and the All Political Parties Youth Congress, reminding them that Liberia has never had a peaceful transition for some 73 years.

The meeting with students on Friday, 24 November at UMU was part of a four-day Police and Parties Youth peace initiative that kicked off at the LNP Headquarters on Capitol Hill earlier last week and extended to Kakata, Margibi County. “This is time for us to make our history … let’s work with the political leaders, and let’s work with Madam Sirleaf in her agenda to transform this country peacefully,” Col. Kromah said. Read More

Gov’t Dedicates Stockton Creek Bridge, Source: The New Dawn

The Government of Liberia Friday dedicated the Stockton Creek Bridge along the Somalia Drive, outskirt of Monrovia, noting that the bridge constructed by the Government of Japan, will last for the next 100 years for the use of the people of Liberia. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who performed the official dedicatory ceremony, said the bridge is as the result of Liberia’s efforts to build partnership with the Government of Japan, “and we owe it to the leaders with whom we promoted that partnership.”

President Sirleaf explained that developments takes time and requires cooperation, but frowned on community residents, who while the construction was ongoing, threw dirt in the premises, thereby obstructing engineers and slowing down progress. The President stressed that each Liberian has a responsibility to cooperate for development to progress, reminding that such development will benefit them. Read More

Lebanese Ambassador Extols Lebanon-Liberia Ties, Source: The New Dawn and The NEWS

Lebanese Ambassador to Liberia, Fadi Zein has extolled the long-standing relationship existing between Liberia and Lebanon when he spoke during program commemorating the 74th Independence of Lebanon held at the Lebanese Embassy on 12th Street, Sinkor. Amb. Zein noted that the relationship between both countries over the years has been characterized by mutual friendship and respect, indicating that Liberians are gentle people.

Commenting on the electoral process in Liberia, the Lebanese envoy expressed optimism the people of Liberia will once again demonstrate their attributes of love for country and coexistence to have a peaceful election for a smooth transfer of political power to an elected President.

On her part, Liberia’s Foreign Minister Marjon Kamara, extended warmest congratulations to the Government and people of Lebanon as they observe what she termed as a milestone in the history of Lebanon, pointing out that both countries have enjoyed cultural relationship for decades. Minister Kamara assured Ambassador Zein that Liberia will continue to nurture this relationship in the years ahead.

WAHO Communication Specialists Meeting Ends, Source: The NEWS

A two-day regional media meeting has ended in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso capital with 50 Health Communication Specialists attending the gathering which was convened by the West African Health Organization, an annual event intended to share its activities and strategic plans with the specialists. The just-ended WAHO’s meeting for Communication Specialists was the third of its kind, this paper reports.

A release from the Communication Director of the Ministry of Health, Sorbor George who attended the meeting, quotes the Director General of WAHO, Dr. Xavier Crespin as reminding them about the important role they have to play in informing their populations about the need for quality health care. He encouraged them to use innovative means in making WAHO’s activities visible in their respective countries. Dr. Crespin also appealed to media personnel to use their platforms to explain WAHO’s importance and interventions in the sub-region.

Major Boost for Liberia’s Fisheries Sector … As Ellen Dedicates Mesurado Fisheries Terminal, Source: The NEWS

Liberia’s fisheries sector received a major boost over the weekend with the dedication of a modern Mesurado Industries Fisheries Terminal by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. She said the new terminal would help to add value to local fishermen thereby improving their activities. The President disclosed the terminal which has monitoring system would help to curtail illegal fishing in Liberia’s waters. The Liberian leader said that the project will be privatized to ensure it is properly managed. She then lauded the World Bank for sponsoring the rehabilitation of the terminal.

On her part, World Bank-Liberia Country Manager Madam Larisa Leshchenko recalled 40 years ago, the Mesurado terminal was the home to one of the most successful industries with valuable exports to world markets.  She said the pier is planned to be the home of a new fishing industry of multi-purpose fishing vessels under Liberian ownership. Madam Leshchenko said the new facilities will provide sustainable management of renewable resources that can provide food security, employment and eventually return to export earnings for Liberia’s economy. She then assured Liberia of the World Bank’s continuous support in its development drive.


Liberia's Liberty Party to appeal election fraud case to Supreme Court, Source: Reuters

Liberia’s opposition Liberty Party will take its claims of election fraud to the Supreme Court this week after the electoral commission ruled on Friday that the first-round 10 Oct vote was fair, it said on Sunday. The appeal will likely set the West African country’s presidential election back well into December, and could result in the first round poll being re-run, which could delay the first democratic transfer of power in over 70 years by months.

Ex-football star George Weah was meant to face Vice-President Joseph Boakai in a run-off vote in early November to determine who will replace Nobel Peace Prize laureate Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. But third placed candidate Charles Brumskine of the Liberty Party said the Oct. 10 first round was marred by widespread fraud, and the Supreme Court ordered the National Elections Commission (NEC) to investigate.

The NEC ruled last week that voting irregularities did not alter the outcome of the first round which Weah won with 38 percent versus Boakai with 29 percent. Brumskine won nearly 10 percent. International observers said the vote was largely free and fair. “We will take our case to the Supreme Court any time this week,” Brumskine told Reuters. “We were not surprised by the ruling. NEC were the defendants and judge at the same time.”

The delay has raised tensions in Liberia where many say they are dissatisfied by Johnson Sirleaf’s 12-year rule which cemented peace and brought much needed aid to the country after a civil war but which did little to alleviate dire poverty. The Liberty Party complained of widespread irregularities in the vote, including polling stations not allowing his supporters to cast their ballot. Under the constitution, it has until Friday to file its appeal, after which the Supreme Court has a further seven days to make a final ruling.


This media summary consists of selected local media articles for the information of UN personnel. The public distribution of this media summary is a courtesy service extended by UNMIL on the understanding that the choice of articles included is exclusive, and the contents do not represent anything other than a selection of articles likely to be of interest to a United Nations readership. The inclusion of articles in this summary does not imply endorsement by UNMIL.