4 December 2017


‘Rule of Law Essential for Liberia’s Democracy’ - UNOWAS Head Ibn Chambas stresses, Source: Daily OBSERVER

The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for West Africa and the Sahel, Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas, has said that democracy cannot strive in the absence of the rule of law, and has therefore lauded the ongoing post-election legal processes in the country. Dr. Chambas said Liberians can no longer afford to seek the routes of their old ugly past and have taken the best trend by settling their disagreements through legal means. He made these comments while addressing the media at the end of the 31st High-level Meeting of UN Missions in West Africa, held in Monrovia.

Liberia, since the 10 October presidential and representative polls, has been overwhelmed with a political impasse precipitated by allegations of ‘gross irregularities and probably fraud’—leading to two of the top three political parties, Liberty Party and the ruling Unity Party, using legal means in seeking redress. Though many have lauded the legal trend instead of taking their grievances to the streets, the political stalemate and its ensuing events have caused some anxiety in the Liberian public.

After lauding the peaceful nature of the 10 October elections, Chambas, who is also the head of the UN Office for West and the Sahel (UNOWAS), noted that compliance with the rule of law and due process is essential for strengthening Liberia’s nascent democracy—while expressing the hope that the electoral process would be concluded expeditiously, stressing that legal challenges should be legitimate and in good faith. Also in attendance at the 31st High-level meeting was the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General (SRSG) and head of the UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), Farid Zarif; in Mali (MINUSMA), Mahamat Saleh; and the UN Resident Coordinator for Cote D’Ivoire, Babacar Cissé.

The objective of the meeting was to provide insights and exchange views on peace and security dynamics in the areas of operations of respective missions and in the West African region. It was also meant to strengthen coordination in order to address common challenges in such areas as elections, transnational organized crimes, violent extremism and terrorism, security sector and constitutional reform processes, as well as democratic transitions.

Like many of the statements from international partners, the statement read by the UNOWAS head on behalf of his colleagues also emphasized that the will of the Liberian people must be respected. He also made mention of the importance of adhering to the constitutionally mandated date for the inauguration of the new government in January 2018. He, however, underscored the need for all parties and stakeholders to exercise restraint uphold the rule of law and conduct all activities with civility and in a non-violent manner, including in their public discourse.

Dr. Chambas said peaceful, free, fair and transparent elections are a prerequisite for peace consolidation and sustainable development in the country. “The destiny of Liberia remains the responsibility of all Liberians,” he stressed. He emphasized that the international community needs to continue its assistance to Liberia’s development beyond the conclusion of the electoral process and UNMIL’s withdrawal. He also expressed the hope that upcoming elections in other West African states will consolidate the democratic progress and bring about an increase in women’s participation in politics.

On his part, Farid Zarif of UNMIL said that Liberians have demonstrated that they are resolved to be peaceful as they anxiously await the outcomes of the legal proceedings. He also warned Liberians that the international community has invested so much in the country “because it believes in the Liberian people, their aspirations and the development of the country.”

UN lauds Liberians for Peaceful Election, Source: The New Dawn

The heads of United Nations Missions in West Africa have lauded Liberians for a peaceful conduct of election on 10 October 2017. Speaking Friday at the 31st High-Level Meeting of Heads of UN Mission in West Africa, the SRSG of United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas noted that the compliance with the rule of law and due process is essential for strengthening Liberia's nascent democracy. The head of missions expresses hope that the electoral process would be concluded expeditiously, stressing those legal challenges should be legitimate and in good faith. He also emphasizes that the will of the Liberian people must be respected.

Dr. Chambas notes the importance of complying with the constitutionally mandated date for the inauguration of the new government in January 2018, underscoring the need for all parties and stakeholders to exercise restraint, uphold the rule of law, and conduct all activities with civility and in a nonviolent manner, including in their public discourse. He further underlines that peaceful, free, fair and transparent election is a prerequisite for peace consolidation and sustainable development in Liberia. Dr. Chambas makes it clear that the destiny of Liberia remains the responsibility of all Liberians, emphasizing that the international community needs to continue assisting Liberia's development beyond the conclusion of the electoral process and UNMIL withdrawal. The head of missions expresses hope that the upcoming elections in West Africa will consolidate democratic progress and bring about an increase in women participation in politics.

NEC Staff Confesses to Dividing ‘Invalid Votes’ in Nimba District #8, Source: Daily OBSERVER

During an electoral dispute hearing at the headquarters of the National Elections Commission (NEC) over the weekend, Daniel Gegbeson, a polling staff of the NEC, admitted validating 218 ‘invalid votes’ as valid votes and assigned them to Representative Larry P. Younquoi against his closest rival in the 10 October legislative poll, Saye S. Mianah, in Nimba County Electoral District #8. Gegbeson, who served as the head of the recount team in the disputed representative election result in the district, told the hearing that he was induced by the incumbent lawmaker, Younquoi, to turn the result against Mianah.

It can be recalled that NEC called for a recount of the ballots cast in Nimba Electoral District #8 after realizing that Mianah had emerged as the winner with a 19 vote difference ahead of Younquoi. The Commission ordered a recount of the votes, which surprisingly revealed Younquoi as the winner with 17 votes, which later became known as the ‘invalid votes’ that Gegbeson had assigned to him so he can retain the district seat. Mianah, having followed the recount results, filed a complaint to the Commission’s central election dispute hearing office challenging the results. He referred to the recount result as “illegal and unacceptable,” adding that 24,940 of the 31,029 registered voters in the district elected him, with seven of the nine candidates that vied for the seat having pledged their support to him. Read More

UP Clarifies Ellen's Expulsion Rumors, Source: The New Dawn

This paper reports that the ruling Unity Party (UP) has strongly condemned rumors circulating in the public that senior members of the party are planning to expel the standard bearer- emeritus, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf from the party, clarifying that the party's leadership does not want any form of disunity among members, partisans and Mrs. Sirleaf.

Addressing a news conference over the weekend at the party national headquarters at Oldest Congo Town, UP Montserrado County Youth Wing Chair Mr. Lansana P. Fofana said the decision taken by some aggrieved partisans of the party on 23 November, calling on the National Executive Committee to expel the standard bearer emeritus Mrs. Sirleaf is self-decision, but not a decision of the youth wing.

“We the Unity Party Montserrado Youth Congress condemn, and distance ourselves from the protest action that occurred on the 23 of November by some of our disenchanted partisans at the national headquarters,” Mr. Fofana said. He said the party' youth wing is of the strongest conviction that these protest actions in these crucial times are ... no remedy to solving dissatisfaction or misunderstanding within the party, cognizant of the fact that the UP is at a critical juncture. The party further clarified that the protest action at the party headquarters was never carried out by the youth wing of the party, opposed to what is being reported in some local media institutions here.

Meanwhile the UP Montserrado Youth Congress Chair has condemned alleged attacks on two UP senior members, including River Gee County Senator Commany Wesseh and Nimba County Representative Worlea Saywah Dunah, saying the party believes these two Executive Committee members have their right to individual opinions and they should not be demeaned. Read More

For “Gross Disrespect,” Pres. Sirleaf Dismisses Labor Minister Neto Lighem, Sources: Daily OBSERVER, The NEWS, The New Dawn and FrontPage Africa

According to media reports, Liberians were shocked late Friday afternoon when the Executive Mansion announced that President Sirleaf had with immediate effect, relieved Labor Minister, Neto Lighe from his position. The only reason provided by the Mansion, which is the seat of the Liberian presidency, for Lighe’s dismissal is “due to his continued gross disrespect and participation in wicked attacks and false accusations levied against the presidency.”

Neto is the current Senior National Vice Chairman of the ruling Unity Party. He was elected along with other corps of officers at the 2016 UP Convention that was held in Gbarnga, Bong County that brought on board Vice Prsident Joseph Boakai as the new political leader & standard bearer of the party. The media reports that the President has been whirling her axe these few days and the former Labor Minister is the latest victim. Another official to have recently felt the wrath of the Iron Lady, who is living up to the wrath of that name, was  former Deputy Information Minister for Press & Public Affairs, Jeddi Armah.

In response to his dismissal, Lighe said it was now “time to move on,” adding that there’s no singular honor than serving his country and he is proud that he was extended such an “opportunity to serve my country” and also extended his profound appreciation to President Sirleaf for such an honor.

World Bank cites poor management over failed Projects, Source: The New Dawn

Speaking during a recent launch of the post-Ebola reconstruction projects for Small, Medium and Large Businesses across the country, World Bank Country Manager, Mrs. Larisa Leshchenko said many governmental projects in Liberia and the world have failed due to poor management, adding “the world have failed to deliver on their goals of economic stimulus and job creation because they are not sustainable or are not implemented in a transparent way.”

The World Bank Country Manager said these projects direct credit in a non-transparent manner and in ways that undercut market forces, citing as an example, selecting unqualified businesses or distorting markets by mandating interest rate caps. In these types of projects, she observed that funds are disbursed but the projects quickly failed due to lack of oversight and non-repayment of loans as beneficiaries deemed them to be “government handouts.” According to the World Bank official, the result is that little is achieved in terms of economic stimulus and job creation.

She noted that the aim of the project and the event in general could not be more important and relevant for Liberia, saying small businesses are the lifeblood of the Liberian economy, generating much needed jobs and income. Madam Leshchenko acknowledged that access to finance is consistently cited as a critical constraint to MSMEs, saying the project promises to make important contributions in the area. She said the project financed by the World Bank State and Peacebuilding fund for USD4.8 million, aims to increase access to finance for MSMEs in a sustainable manner. Read More

Dr. Jones Tussles over Generator at Party Headquarters, Sources: Daily OBSERVER, FrontPage Africa and The New Dawn

A serious impasse between the standard bearer of the opposition Movement for Economic Empowerment (MOVEE), Dr. Joseph Mills Jones, and the party’s assistant national secretary, James Roberts, over the weekend erupted over some of the party’s property at MOVEE’s headquarters in Congo Town, outside Monrovia.

According to Mr. Roberts, Dr. Jones allegedly issued instructions ordering his security to break into the generator house and take possession of a 7.5 KVA generator that powers the building. “He came in with his security guards to collect the generator but I refused to allow them to enter the powerhouse. While Dr. Jones and I were talking, the other security guard used a rock to destroy the lock on the generator house and he brought out the generator and attempted putting it in Dr. Jones’ car,” Roberts alleged.

He said: “I stood up tall and prevented them from putting the generator in the car and that’s how I got wounded in my leg by the other guard while tussling over the generator. I immediately called the party’s vice chairman, Dan Saryeh, who instructed me not to allow anyone to take anything from the party headquarters; and I followed his instruction.” Roberts said his decision to prevent the security from taking the machine was also based on instructions from the party’s chair, Dee-Maxwell Kemayah. Making an official statement on behalf of the party, MOVEE vice chairman for Press and Propaganda, Robert Sammie, said he was surprised to hear that Dr. Jones had gone to the party headquarters to retrieve the party’s property. Read More

Liberia Maintains Seat on International Maritime Organization Council, Source: FrontPage Africa

FrontPage Africa reports that Liberia has again been reelected to the Council of the International Maritime Organization for the 2018-2019 biennium at an election held as part of the 30th session of the Assembly of IMO, convening in London. Liberia has consistently maintained a Category C seat on the IMO Council since 2012. The Council is the Executive Organ of IMO that takes decision in the absence of Assembly.  Between sessions of the Assembly, the Council coordinates all activities of the Organs of the Organization. Other than Liberia, other African countries elected to the Council are South Africa, Kenya, Morocco, and Egypt.

Speaking shortly after the election, Liberia’s Permanent Representative to the IMO, Ambassador Isaac Jackson expressed gratitude to member states of the IMO for the vote of confidence in Liberia’s leadership in this global organization, which he described as a very wise decision. He said “the sheer size of the tonnage under Liberia’s flag point at our deep interest in the maritime industry, thus our determination to play a role in the more substantive aspect of guiding the IMO.”

The Liberian-flag fleet currently comprises 4,170 ships aggregating more than 150m gross tons, representing 12% of the global ocean going fleet. According to Jackson, working along with its Corporate Registry Agency, Liberian-flagged vessels meet the highest level of safety, security and environmental standards promulgated by the IMO. Earlier making the case for Liberia’s elections, the Commissioner of the Liberia Maritime Authority, Dr. James Kollie, recalled Liberia’s “rich history in facilitating the international maritime industry through a favorable framework within which ship-owners compete in global trade and commerce.” Read More

Pres. Sirleaf Receives Maj. Gen. Yuchang of China, New French Amb. Letters of Credence, Source: FrontPage Africa

This paper reports that President Sirleaf on Friday received in audience Major General Moun Yuchang, Chief Commander Border Security Department of Public Security of the People's Republic of China at her Foreign Ministry office in Monrovia. Major Gen. Yuchang and delegation are on an assessment mission to Liberia to visit instillations and engage related stakeholders.

In remarks, President Sirleaf lauded China for her continued support to Liberia's development agenda particularly in the areas of health, security, infrastructure development, education, the training and equipping of the army forces of Liberia, among others. The Liberian leader praised the Chinese government for also providing certain amount of medication that will be used at various military barracks, which she said we are grateful for.

Meanwhile, President Sirleaf also received the Letters of Credence of the new French Ambassador-designate to Liberia, Terence Wills. Speaking earlier, Ambassador Wills thanked President Sirleaf for accepting his Letters of credence and said he was proud of all President Sirleaf achievements inclusive of an emerging democracy. He named three critical areas he will be focusing on including strengthening the partnership between the two countries; improving French investments and the teaching of French Language in Liberian schools. Read More

Ambassador Brutus Presents Letters of Credence to President Trump, Source: FrontPage Africa

Liberia’s Ambassador to the United States, Lois Brutus, on 29 November 2017 presented her Letters of Credence to President Donald Trump in the Oval Office at the White House, a dispatch from the Liberian Embassy in Washington, D.C. said. Presenting her Letters of Credence, Ambassador Brutus said Liberia and the United States are bound together by a unique relationship deeply rooted in common values and traditions, buttressed by a firm commitment to mutually beneficial objectives. “I am here to assure you, Mr. President, that Liberia remains steadfast in her determination to strengthen, uphold and solidify this important relation on the basis of goodwill and mutual respect,” she noted.

Ambassador Brutus also outlined some areas which could be beneficial to both countries, such as security, health, agriculture, trade and infrastructure development, education, and human development. Ambassador Brutus said President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf attaches extreme importance to the relationship between both countries. “Liberia is rich in untapped resources and the United States of America with its phenomenal technological progress and resilient material stature together we could develop win-win cooperation for the benefit of our peoples,” she added.

In response, President Trump recalled that the United States and Liberia share a special bond that dates to the first days of Liberia’s republic, and today the bond is stronger than ever. He said since the end of the Liberian civil war in 2003, the country has improved security for its people, and taken on the difficult tasks of rebuilding its economy and strengthening its education and health systems. “As your steadfast and longtime friend, the United States and the American people remain committed to partnering with you to create a healthy, peaceful, and democratic future for Liberia,” President Trump noted. Read More

UNDP Liberia Holds New Country Programme Document Design Engagement, Source: FrontPage Africa

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has commenced engagement and consultations with national partners on the preparation and design of a New Country Programme Document (CPD) 2019-2023 for Liberia. The two-day exercise held in Monrovia 30 November to 1 December, brought together over 25 Representatives from line Ministries, Agencies and Commissions (MACs) facilitated by UNDP Experts from its Regional Bureau in Addis Ababa, this paper reports.

The five- year Country Programme Document which is linked to a UNDP Strategic Plan outlines major development areas where UNDP has comparative advantage (example. governance, peace, justice, security, sustainable development etc). It is also aligned with the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) and the National Development Agenda of the Country.

Speaking during the consultation, UNDP Country Director Pa Lamin Beyai stressed that Liberia has a lot of development challenges which need “all hands-on deck” to resolve. Dr. Beyai said UNDP usually operates by soliciting the views of in- country experts for national ownership. “As you know our support is usually catalytic and is based on government’s priority and the best people who can articulate the priorities of government of Liberia will be these capacities we have around this table,” the UNDP Boss stated.

On his part, acting Internal Affairs Minister Varney Sirleaf thanked UNDP for the collaboration thus far in the implementation of the current CPD which the Ministry of Internal Affairs is playing a key role. Minister Sirleaf said under the current CPD, the Ministry is implementing the de-concentration phase of the Decentralization Programme, with the establishment of Country Service Centers in eleven of Liberia’s fifteen counties. Read More

Liberian Diplomat Participates in High-level Leadership Training in Geneva, Source: FrontPage Africa

This medium reports that the Counselor for Political Affairs at the Liberian Embassy in Abuja, Nigeria, Mr. Tunde J. Spencer has successfully completed a five-day intensive training held in Geneva, Switzerland. According to a dispatch from the Liberian Embassy in Abuja, the Liberian diplomat joined about 25 other participants from 20 countries, who participated in the high-level leadership cross-cultural training under the theme “Enhancing Leadership for Peace-building.”

The training took place from 13-17 November 2017. Other diplomats, security experts, political scientists, officials of the United Nations, Danish Rescue Mission, European Union, and the Swiss Government, among others attended the training, according to the release.

Jointly organized by the Geneva Center for Peace Policy (GCSP), the Geneva Graduate Institute, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), and the Swiss Government, the training helped the participants to review their own leadership roles, discussed past challenges, and how to deal with those challenges in a peaceful manner. Read More

Students laud re-opening of Bong Technical College, Sources: The New Dawn and FrontPage Africa

Students of the Bong County Technical College in Gbarnga, Bong County are commending President Ellen Johnson Sirelaf for appointing Dr. Charles K. Mulbah as acting President of the College, which has led to its timely re- opening. In her appointment letter dated 8 October 2017, President Sirleaf requested Dr. Mulbah to work with the Board of Directors of the college and the Bong County Legislative Caucus to reopen the institution.

In an interview with this paper on the college's main campus in Gboveh Hill Community, Gbarnga, the acting President of the student government of the college Thomas Brucenell Kertor described the appointment of Dr. Mulbah by the Liberian leader as a serious boost not only to the administration, but students as well. Ketor recalled that since he took over, Dr. Mulbah continues to work with others in administration as well as members of the faculty and stakeholders, a situation he noted is responsible for rapid improvement on campus. Read More

Public Account Committee Reports Irregularities in Gov’t Agencies, Ministries, Source: FrontPage Africa

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has released its fourth report highlighting financial irregularities in seven government Agencies and Ministries, thus recommending a number of government officials to restitute funds misapplied. The PAC report recommended that former officials of the Liberia National Investment Commission jointly and severally restitute the variances of USD686,985.47 and USD719,796.00 respectively which represents payments without supporting documentations for the fiscal years 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 respectively, this paper reports.

The officials named in the report to restitute funds allocated for National Investment Commission are O. Natty B. Davis, Chairman USD12,308.33; Ciata A. Bishop, Executive Director USD12,308.33; James Boker, Director of Finance and Administration USD12,308.33; Grisper G. Garteh, Adm. Officer USD12,308.33; Nathaniel Kohn, former Comptroller USD12,308.33; Quinton A. Tunis, Comptroller USD12,308.33; summing up to US$73,850. Read More

NYACL Calls on International Community to Act on Libya Slave Trade Situation, Source: FrontPage Africa

This paper reports that ass the wave of slavery in Libya takes center stage around the World, many governments and non-government organizations are calling on the international community to quickly intervene in order to bring the inhumane behavior to an end, with the National Youth Action Committee in Liberia (NYACL) led by the Organization for and Women and Children (ORWOCH) calling on the Government of Liberia and all international bodies including ECOWAS, the AU and UN to swiftly intervene and bring this persecution of mainly black Africans to an end in the wake of disturbing videos and other media reports emanating from Liberia.

Addressing the media Thursday, the Executive Director for ORWOCH Mmonbaydo Joah Harrell termed the torture of Liberians and other black Africans in Libya as evil and wicked. According to the rights group, majority of the people whom the brutalities acts are perpetrated against are women and young people. The rights group wants more effort in dealing with the perpetrators of the heinous crimes, adding that they should be held accountable for their action. Harrell: “We will engage in advocacy, mobilize resources and remain engaged with all partners in ensuring that these crimes are uncovered and that perpetrators are punished”. Read More


UN West Africa Missions Stress Need to Meet Liberia Constitutional Transition, Source: News Public Trust

The heads of United Nations Missions in West Africa held their 31st High-level Meeting in Monrovia on Friday, calling for speedy end to the electoral dispute but noted that “compliance with the rule of law and due process is essential for strengthening Liberia’s nascent democracy.” In a joint communique, they “expressed hope that the electoral process would be concluded expeditiously, stressing that legal challenges should be legitimate and in good faith.” The UN envoys also “noted the importance of complying with the constitutionally-mandated date for the inauguration of the new government in January 2018.”

Those attending the Monrovia meeting are the Special Representatives of the UN Secretary-General and Heads of UN missions in Liberia (UNMIL), Farid Zarif;  MINUSMA in Mali, Mahamat Saleh Annadif; the UN Special Representative in West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), Mohamed Ibn Chambas and  the UN Resident Coordinator for Côte d’Ivoire, Babacar Cissé.

The Heads of missions lauded the peaceful nature of the 10 October elections in Liberia, emphasizing that the will of the Liberian people must be respected. In this connection, they underscored the need for all parties and stakeholders to exercise restraint, uphold the rule of law, and conduct all activities with civility and in a non-violent manner, including in their public discourse, the joint communique said.

The Heads of missions further underlined that peaceful, free, fair and transparent elections are a prerequisite for peace consolidation and sustainable development in Liberia. They made it clear that the destiny of Liberia remains the responsibility of all Liberians, while emphasizing that the international community needs to continue assisting Liberia’s development beyond the conclusion of the electoral process and UNMIL’s withdrawal. The Heads of missions expressed the hope that upcoming elections in West Africa will consolidate democratic progress and bring about an increase in women’s participation in politics.

According to their joint communique, the objective of the meeting of the heads of UN missions in West Africa and the Sahel was to provide insights and exchange views on peace and security dynamics in the areas of operation of the respective missions and in the West African region as a whole. It said the Monrovia meeting was also intended to strengthen coordination in order to address common challenges in such areas as elections, transnational organized crime, violent extremism and terrorism, security sector and constitutional reform processes, as well as democratic transitions. Discussions at the meeting also focused on current developments in Togo, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Mali and other countries in the sub-region.

“Reckless and Irresponsible Advocacy” – Says Women’s Rights Activists, Source: News Public Trust

For weeks now in Liberia, Social Media most especially Facebook has now been engulfed with a huge debate from men, who believe that they have been affected by financial violence meted against them by their female counterparts. They noted that men have been used as a major source of income generation for women, which they said has encouraged Liberian women not to be independent in a relationship.

The “Stop Financial Violence against men” campaigners further argued that women squarely dependent on men for everything in a relationship something according them often leads to psychological trauma in a case where a man does not have. They noted that their Advocacy which has gone viral on Social and Electronic Media will encourage women to be independent in a relationship and stop unnecessary demands, noting that love is not slavery.

The campaigners also want the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection properly strategizes its Gender program that will affect both men and women. But in Sharp reaction to this campaign, Women’s Rights Advocate Vickjune Wutoh says the group’s advocacy is meaningless and lacks no substance. Wutoh says the advocacy by the group has political undertone intended to undermine the Global celebration of the 16 days of Activism against gender based violence. She notes that only irresponsible men will join this advocacy in an apparent attempt to carelessly abandon their responsibility as men. “The history of womanhood in Liberia is replete with woman who have been mesmerized by men of words, fortune and letters and left with burden of raising Children alone. We cannot urge our generation to repeat the mistake of elders and clearly those advocating are in the category of mistakes,” Wutoh adds.

Several Women Rights Advocates including Child Rights Advocates Satta Sherriff and Abraham Keita, Former Press Union of Liberia President Abdullai Kamara, amongst others have also condemned the campaigner’s action, describing it as ‘worthless and undermining’. Satta Sherrift and Abraham Keita said the campaigners do not understand the meaning of violence and as such it has been wrongfully used in their so-called advocacy. Read More


This media summary consists of selected local media articles for the information of UN personnel. The public distribution of this media summary is a courtesy service extended by UNMIL on the understanding that the choice of articles included is exclusive, and the contents do not represent anything other than a selection of articles likely to be of interest to a United Nations readership. The inclusion of articles in this summary does not imply endorsement by UNMIL.