12 December 2017


No Runoff Date without UP, CDC Inputs, Source: Daily OBSERVER

Former National Elections Commission (NEC) civic and voter education director, Josiah Joekai, now a member of the Boakai for President campaign team has declared that the NEC cannot announce the runoff election date without the inputs of the main opposition Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) and the ruling Unity Party (UP) both of which are contestants in the impending runoff election.

Joekai declared in an interview with the Daily Observer Monday that in the absence of a mutually agreed consensus between the NEC, UP, and CDC on the modalities to be used during the runoff, the electoral commission cannot, on its own authority make a decision unilaterally to hold the runoff. “I want to be on record for this that the NEC will not, and cannot announce elections date without addressing the issue, in fact, we also have to look at the issue of the current ballot papers as to whether they are not used, or they are ready to be used,” said the former NEC official.

Joekai’s comments come in the wake of a special session convened over the weekend by the NEC to discuss modalities expected to be put in place to guide the conduct of the runoff. Read more

ECC Wants Supreme Court Clarify Mandate to NEC, Source: Daily OBSERVER

The Elections Coordinating Committee (ECC) has called on the Supreme Court to clarify some of the directives to the National Elections Commission (NEC) as contained in its Thursday, December 7 opinion. According to the ECC, the call is an effort to help the NEC to properly execute the High Court’s mandate and also for the public to understand the NEC’s scope of operation.

In its ruling for a runoff rather than a rerun as prayed for by the opposition Liberty Party (LP) and the ruling Unity Party (UP) versus the NEC, the High Court’s ruling seemed to have finally put the political impasse to rest. However, according to the ECC, the mandate from the ruling is creating more questions.

In a statement issued in Monrovia Monday, the ECC raised questions over the vagueness of some of the High Court’s directives— highlighting the implications of some of the directives contained in the modification of the Court’s opinion in affirming the decision of the NEC Board of Commissioners. Some of the “vague mandates” that are being questioned include the cleaning of the Final Registration Roll (FRR) and for the NEC to bar from voting anyone who may have a voter card but whose name is not in the FRR, among others. Read more

NEC Nullifies Nimba District #8 Recount, Sources: Daily OBSERVER and FrontPage Africa

Authorities at the National Elections Commission (NEC) have again nullified the results of the recount in Nimba County Electoral District #8 that put incumbent Representative Larry Younquoi ahead with 17 votes, to his closest rival Saye Miannah following a recount.

Initially, Miannah was declared the winner of the October 10 polls with 19 votes ahead of Younquoi but following a recount, Younquoi was found in the lead with 17 votes, which led Miannah to file a complaint before the NEC, citing fraud and irregularities during the recount process.

However, in his ruling Monday, the NEC hearing officer, John Wonsehleay said in line with the Liberian Constitution and Election Laws, the NEC has upheld the results of the October 10 elections in which Mr. Miannah led with 19 votes. Read more

‘Clueless Speculation’ -LP Officials Describe UP, CDC Endorsement Tale, Source: FrontPage Africa

The opposition Liberty Party (LP) has described as “naïve” statement attributed to it as supporting one of the two political parties in the pending runoff election. LP deputy secretary for press and propaganda, Edward Clarke Toomey, said the party has not reached any decision of endorsement of a particular political party in the runoff but is still in consultations with the two. “We want to inform all members of the party and supporters of the Brumskine-Karnwea 2017 presidential ticket, that LP has absolutely not yet made any decision to endorse any of the two parties in the upcoming runoff,” Mr. Toomey said.

In a post on his social media page Monday, the LP press and propaganda chief said the decision of whether the party will endorse any of the two or remain neutral in the process would be done in the best interest of the country.

He, however, confirmed rumors of the main opposition Coalition for Democratic Change’s (CDC) political leader, Senator George Weah, meeting with LP official, Senator Nyonblee Kangar Lawrence. According to him, Senator Weah met with Senator Lawrence and Deputy House Speaker Hans Barchue in Grand Bassa County, attributing it to part of the consultation process. Read more

LP Former Chairman Fonati Koffa Endorses George Weah’s Presidential Candidacy, Source: FrontPage Africa

FrontPage Africa reports that while the opposition Liberty Party (LP) remains indecisive on which side to lean towards as the country looks forward to a runoff election, some of its high profile members are endorsing the presidential candidacy of Senator George Weah and the main opposition Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) one after the other.

On Monday, LP former chairman, J. Fonati Koffa announced his endorsement of Senator Weah on Voice of Grand Kru, saying “I am endorsing the candidacy of Senator George Weah as in the best interest of my district, my county, and the nation." Koffa continued: "I am announcing my impending arrival in the county for this purpose and I have instructed my campaign machinery to begin mobilization for a massive get out to vote effort in Grand Kru”.

A fortnight ago, Israel Akinsanya, a former chairman of the party, joined the CDC and promised to use his resources to ensure a Weah victory. Maxwell Grigsby, a defeated representative aspirant on LP’s ticket, joined the CDC during the same period; while Kanio Bai Gbala returned after initially leaving the party for the LP. On Sunday, LP Montserrado County Representative Richmond Anderson who wasn’t reelected in the October 10 elections, officially joined Weah’s party. Read more

Diaspora Students Tell Politicians to Put Liberia First, Source: Daily OBSERVER

Liberian Students Association of Ghana and their counterparts at the University of Ibadan and Awolowo University in Nigeria have called on Liberian politicians to put the country first. The students in a press release said that for over a month now, “we have monitored the post-election effect in Liberia and things seem not to be improving as many persons and some political parties yield for a legal battle.”

According to the students, the prolonged legal action is endangering “our fledgling democracy. We want to re-echo what President Sirleaf said and concur with the statement of the US Embassy in Liberia.” They added that the current electoral predicament remains a “threat to our democracy and a springboard for political instability and a recipe for sociopolitical division.”

It may be recalled that the US Embassy near Monrovia in its statement on the elections said “it was inspired by 1.5 million Liberians who expressed their commitment to and faith in democracy by voting in the October 10 elections,” and urged the two leading parties, the ruling Unity Party (UP) and the main opposition Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) to “focus on constructively engaging each other and voters as they prepare to compete in the runoff.”

The Liberian student communities in Ghana and Nigeria said they are very concerned about the inconvenient socio-political situation in Liberia that has kept “our country’s economic activities static for some time. This stagnant nature of our economy is also felt by us – students since many students here rely on sponsoring organizations and their parents or relatives to survive.” Read more

Senate Holds Major Executive Session Today –Cites LRA Commissioner-General, Finance Minister, CBL Executive Governor, Commerce Minister, Source: Daily OBSERVER

The Daily Observer reports that the Senate is scheduled to hold probably its biggest Executive Session today Tuesday that will include the heads of the country’s foremost financial houses: the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL), of the Ministries of Finance and Commerce, and the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA).

Senate secretary Nanborlor Singbeh said finance minister Boima Kamara will provide an update on the 2nd Quarter of the 2017/2018 Budget and revenue generated during the quarter under review in line with the LRA’s revenue projection.  CBL executive governor Milton Weeks will provide an update on the current rate of exchange between the United States dollar (USD) and Liberian dollar (LRD); while commerce minister Axel Addy will provide information on the hike in the prices of basic commodities and plans for stabilization.

LRA commissioner-general Elfrieda Stewart Tamba, like the finance minister, will provide an update on the 2nd Quarter of the 2017/2018 Budget and revenue generated during the quarter under review in line with the LRA’s revenue projection. Read more

Government, UN Prepare for Justice, Security, Rule of Law Perception Survey, Source: Daily OBSERVER

The Liberia Peacebuilding Office (PBO) and the Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Services (LISGIS) in collaboration with the UN development agency UNDP and the UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) have begun training 36 enumerators ahead of the start of a public perception survey on justice, security, and the rule of law in Liberia in early 2018.

PBO program manager Christopher Fayia stated recently at the closing session of the justice and security workshop for the 36 participants that the survey is expected to assess the current situation in the country in terms of people’s perception and knowledge of a variety of issues regarding justice, security, and the rule of law services in Liberia.

Fayia added that the survey will be conducted in Bong, Grand Gedeh, Grand Kru, Lofa, Maryland, Nimba, River Gee, and Sinoe, counties where the government with support from partners has made considerable investments to improve services. Read more

RRA Technical Experts Provide Support to LRA, Sources: FrontPage Africa and The NEWS

A Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) delegation headed deputy commissioner-general Munyentwali Gadi is in Liberia to provide best practices and technical assistance in risk and compliance management to the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA). While in Liberia, the RRA experts presented standards and best practices to enhance LRA’s technical capacity in tax compliance management.

During a technical engagement on Thursday, 7 December, the RRA delegation shared experiences with LRA on ways of structuring risk engine as a driver for strengthening compliance management. The discussion also covered alternative structures for administering the risk program institutionally. The RRA mission to Liberia was facilitated by the IMF. Read more

 LMDA to Help Deliver Sector from Present Backward State, Source: Daily OBSERVER

The Liberia Medical and Dental Association (LMDA) has vowed to prioritize patient welfare as a start to the promised land, despite the many challenges confronting the country’s health system.

During its annual meeting held over the weekend in Kakata, Margibi County, the LMDA said for the sector to improve, the government should prioritize the wellbeing of medical doctors as they strive to bring sanity and soundness to the health sector.

LMDA president Louise Mapleh Kporto revealed that over the past 10 months, the organization has provided scholarship opportunities for many doctors to study outside Liberia. Read more

USAID Donates Medical Equipment to Public Health Facilities, Sources: FrontPage Africa and The NEWS

USAID through its funded project Ebola Transmission Prevention and Survivor Program has donated huge medical equipment to several public health facilities in Liberia. They include the Redemption Hospital, Duport Road Health Center, CH Rennie Hospital, Dolo Town Health Center, Phebe Hospital, and Tellewoyan Hospital among others. The cost of the medical equipment is put at more than one million USD.

Presenting the medical equipment Monday symbolically at the Duport Health Center, USAID-Liberia mission director Anthony Chan said the equipment will help health workers better prevent, diagnose, and treat a range of diseases and health problems. Read more

EPA Hosts 5-Day Climate Change Seminar in Monrovia, Source: Daily OBSERVER

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Monday kicked off a five-day National Capacity Building workshop on climate change at a resort in Paynesville, outside Monrovia. The seminar is about the preparation of Liberia’s first Biannual Update Report-1 (BUR-1).  Participants are drawn from the University of Liberia (UL), United Methodist University (UMU), Ministry of Health, TOTAL, Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy and the EPA.

National project coordinator, Dr. Charles Asumana at the opening session said the objective is to prepare and submit the BUR-1 to fulfill Liberia’s obligation to the UN Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Read more

Angry Crowd Set WFP Truck Ablaze For Killing Three in Nimba County, Source: FrontPage Africa

The media reports that angry crowd reportedly set ablaze a six-tire truck believed to be used by the World Food Programme (WFP). The WFP blue-colored truck was loaded with goods as it left Ganta in Nimba County for the Southeastern part of the country, while the black and red colored TVS motorbike, with which the truck collided, was traveling from Doumpa Town, along the Tappita-Saclepea highway.

Eyewitnesses said the operator of the WFP truck was on his lane, while the motorcyclist, coming from the opposite direction, was allegedly on the same lane of the truck. One eyewitness explained “But when he turned a curve and after seeing the truck, he struggled to get back on his lane. The truck driver wanted to dodge him, too, by taking his lane, but that was just too late and both collided.” Read more


Jewel Howard-Taylor on war, Weah and her agenda, Source: Al Jazeera News

As the ex-wife of Charles Taylor - a man serving a 50-year prison sentence for crimes against humanity, Jewel Howard-Taylor seems an unlikely choice of running mate in Liberia's presidential election for football star-turned-politician, George Weah. However, this is the ticket which attracted the highest number of votes in October's first round.

Weah, of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), and Vice President Joseph Boakai of the ruling Unity Party, ranked first and second respectively in the October polls. But claims of fraud have stalled the outcome, with a second round postponed.

The CDC formed out of an alliance between Weah's Congress for Democratic Change, Howard-Taylor's National Patriotic Party (NPP) and the Liberia People Democratic Party - which is headed by former House of Representatives Speaker Alex Tyler. Weah and Howard-Taylor are the presidential and vice-presidential candidates respectively for this coalition. Read more

In Unusual Case, Liberian Business Dispute Lands in Jerusalem Court, Source: Haaretz

A legal dispute in Jerusalem District Court over alleged corruption involving construction and operation of a port in Liberia offers a rare look at a major business dealing by an Israeli-owned company in the African country.

The Government of Liberia asserts that the agreement over the port was tainted by corruption and that the Israeli company paid bribes to port officials. The company, meanwhile, lost a petition to enforce a payment of more than $44 million that a London arbitrator awarded to the company.

The case goes back to a 2005 agreement to build and operate a container terminal in Monrovia, Liberia’s capital. GSS, a company registered in the British Virgin Islands that specializes in maritime projects, signed the contract with the board of the Liberian Port Authority and received all the necessary approvals under the law. Read more


This media summary consists of selected local media articles for the information of UN personnel. The public distribution of this media summary is a courtesy service extended by UNMIL on the understanding that the choice of articles included is exclusive, and the contents do not represent anything other than a selection of articles likely to be of interest to a United Nations readership. The inclusion of articles in this summary does not imply endorsement by UNMIL.