Coffee Break - Friday, July 07, 2017

Coffee Break featured the following guests: Counselor Boakai Kanneh-Chairperson/Law Reform Commission………..Revised National Law Reform Policy validation with the House of Representatives; Professor Debee Syndee-Head of the Kofi Annan Institute for Conflict Transformation/UL………..He has authored a book on Social Mobilization and its impacts on the fight against Ebola in Liberia; Lawrence Myers-Regional Manager/National Youth Movement for Transparent Elections-NAYMOTE……….NAYMOTE through the Liberia Accountability & Voice Initiative-LAVI begins a natural resource management with stakeholders in the southeastern region on county development funds; and Anthony Souh-Director General/Drug Enforcement Agency-DEA…………DEA in partnership with US Embassy and UNODC is celebrating International Day Against Drug and Illicit Trafficking.
