Coffee Break - Wednesday (29 November 2017)

Coffee Break on Wednesday , November 29 , 2017 hosted the following persons:
Dr. Paul Muwanguzi/ A member of a team of Uganda Doctors partnering with UNFPA and GoL. He spoke of a stronger partnership to women’s health care 
Dr. Joseph Saye Guanue / respected Liberian historian. He did a reflection on the life of Liberia’s 18th President -William V S Tubman
Mathias Yeanay / President Liberia National Students Union (LINSU) . Yeanay talked of LINSU’s  engagements with political parties’ youth
Namusa Geelor/ Vice President of the University Of Liberia for Alumni relations. He spoke of plans to hold the  UL Alumni day this Friday
Sam Collins / Spokesman Liberia National Police. He announced the launched of a website for the national police
Steve Marvie / Deputy Commerce Minister for Trade and Commerce . He disclosed the setting up of a transition road map at the ministry