Coffee Break - Wednesday (31 January 2018)

Coffee Break on Wednesday, January 31, hosted the following persons :
Dr. Yah Gono-President/Nimba Community College-NCC . She provided updates on the institution newly introduced Early childhood development program.
Jerry Zangan / Program Officer  Youth Opportunity Project (YOP) , Zangan outlined strategies in the recruitment process for  the youth opportunity project.
Aaron Weah-Head/Search for Common Ground Liberia. Weah disclosed that the organization is rolling out a five county reconciliation plan ahead of a national peace conference.
Dorothy Tomeh / Head Development Education Network –Liberia (DEN-L) . She disclosed that DEN-L was concluding  its project for high risked youth project in four counties .
Enoch Sandoe / UNMIL Radio’s Correspondent in Rivercess  County .  Sanoe disclosed that  the Ministry of Public Works and partners have embarked on the distribution of water purification materials t in the county .


