SGBV Front (04 January 2018)

Name of Program: SGBV Front
Date: January 4, 2018
Program Time: 12:05pm -12:45pm
Program Day(s): Thursday
Theme or main focus if appropriate: Female Genital Mutilation
Live or recorded: Live
Producer: Josephine Ogbodu
Names of guests/resource:
Tamba Johnson, Focal Person on FGM, CSO Human Rights Platform
Interviews or recorded pieces-subject matter and/or content.
We received three e calls from Montserrado County. Some of the callers hope to see an end to female circumcision because it is harmful. Others believe that  FGM is good and should  continue.
Outcomes expected/achieved:
To discuss, inform and educate Liberians on Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV)
How related to UNMIL, PI and Radio Mandate:
Sensitizing Liberians on the interventions and measures taken to stop SGBV communities.
