Empowering UNMIL Staff with Training

24 Jun 2013

Empowering UNMIL Staff with Training

Towards the end of April UNMIL staff in Maryland County had the chance to sharpen their interview and other skills useful in the quest for career development, when the Mission organised a week-long training programme for them.

From 22 to 29 April, the Integrated Mission Training Centre (IMTC) conducted the training at Harper, the regional headquarters.

Most participants at the training were Occupational Health Safety Focal Points from all sections, including the UNPOL, the FPU and MILOBs. Other beneficiaries included Individual Contractors (IC’s), and Service Providers.
According to lead facilitator Moses Kortu, staff were drilled in Career Development training modules, including Personal History Profile Writing, Cover Letter and Interview skills. In addition to this, there was an intensive two-day Occupational Health and Safety training on Workplace Inspection and Risk Assessment.

Similarly, more than 20 UN staff in Harper underwent two weeks of training in Information Technology, provided by the IMTC.
IT specialist Koko Hney Micheal said the capacity building programme would be conducted in all regional offices of the Mission to improve proficiency among especially national staff in Microsoft Word, Excel and other applications.

“It was a great opportunity for national staff to improve on their computer literacy,” Logistics Officer Tussie Nyanneh acknowledged. “Staff are now able to work within other programmes in Microsoft excel 2010 and Microsoft word 2010.”

Administrative officer Adolphus George also welcomed the initiative. “We just can’t find the words to express our appreciation for the training package. And participation was full,” George observed.