FPUs Provide Medical Outreach in Paynesville

16 Jun 2014

FPUs Provide Medical Outreach in Paynesville

Indian and Nepalese Formed Police Units joined forces on Saturday, 17 May 2014, to provide free medical services to a community in Paynesville, in the outskirts of Monrovia.

The contingents rendered their medical services at the Gwenderia Institute in KpelleTown from morning till evening, benefitting some 300 local residents. The Nepalese Medical team led by Dr. Ashish, and the Indian Medical team led by Dr. Jyoti, conducted short introductory classes on the importance of oral and dental hygiene, the correct method of using a toothbrush, selection of toothpaste and a demonstration of brushing teeth.

Members of the community welcomed the free medical outreach, which was extended to infants, children, teenagers, mothers and the elderly population. The community expressed their gratitude for treating them for various ailments and providing them with free medicines, beneficial awareness classes and interactive sessions regarding oral and dental hygiene.