Press releases

  • 08 Dec 2011 -  The members of the Security Council commend the people of Liberia on the completion of the first round of the Presidential and Legislative Elections on October 11, which was peaceful and orderly.  The members of the Security Council look forward to the peaceful conduct of the second round of elections from the October 25 announcement of results through the vote itself, scheduled for November 8. 
  • 08 Dec 2011 - The Secretary-General welcomes the smooth holding of the presidential and legislative elections in Liberia today.  He commends the people of Liberia for exercising their right to vote in a calm and peaceful manner.  This election is an important milestone in the efforts to consolidate peace and democracy in the country.
  • 08 Dec 2011 - Dakar, 28 November, 2011 - The Heads of the United Nations (UN) Peace Missions in West Africa held their twenty-second high-level consultation in Dakar in order to facilitate the coordination of the action of the UN in promoting the stability in the sub-region.
  • 08 Dec 2011 - 11 October 2011 -Liberians are voting today in presidential and parliamentary elections seen as a milestone in the country's effort to strengthen peace and democratic governance, as United Nations peacekeepers remain on standby to help local law enforcement forces maintain security during polling.
  • 08 Dec 2011 - The top United Nations envoy in Liberia, Ellen Margarethe Løj challenged Liberians to collectively and individually take actions that will nurture and sustain their hard-won peace.   
  • 08 Dec 2011 - "The 2011 elections will be a milestone towards strengthening peace in Liberia for Liberians," the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) Ellen Margrethe Løj said at UNMIL Head quarters in Monrovia on Wednesday July 13 when she awarded UN peacekeeping medals to 15 Nepalese Military Police Officers as an acknowledgement for their commitment in maintaining peace and stability and their dedication to the UN.
  • 08 Dec 2011 - 16 September 2011 - The Security Council today extended the mandate of the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Liberia (UNMIL) by another year, stressing the supporting role it will play when the West African country holds presidential and legislative elections next month - only the second such polls since the end of a brutal civil war almost a decade ago.
  • 08 Dec 2011 - Earlier this morning there was a gathering of CDC supporters at the party’s headquarters. Liberian National Police, Police Support Unit and Emergency Response Unit were on the ground. From reports we are getting on the ground it appears that tensions rose and the situation gradually began to deteriorate. UNMIL Police were sent on location and an UNMIL helicopter was dispatched to patrol the area.
  • 08 Dec 2011 -  United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced today the appointment of Louis M. Aucoin of the United States as his Deputy Special Representative (Rule of Law) for Liberia. He will replace Henrietta Joy Abena Nyarko Mensa-Bonsu of Ghana, who completed her assignment on 31 October 2011.  The Secretary-General is grateful for Ms. Mensa-Bonsu’s dedicated service for the past four years.
  • 08 Dec 2011 - As part of the mandate of the United Nations Mission in Liberia to assist in the 2011 Liberian election by supporting Liberian institutions and political parties in creating an atmosphere conducive to the conduct of peaceful elections, UNMIL Radio will, on Thursday 1st September 2011, launch a new electoral programme dubbed “Hot Seat”.
