
  • Coffee Break - Wednesday (16 August 2017)

    Coffee Break today featured live interviews with the following guests: Roland Kamara-Head/NEDLIB Vocational Institute………..The institute partners with the International Labor Organization-ILO in providing vocational skills to Liberian youths; Patrick Farley-Head/Ebola Survivors Network of Liberia……….The organization renews calls for improved medical support to Ebola survivors; Lewis Jadoe-County Coordinator/National Institute of Public Opinion-Sinoe County……….The institute launches a campaign urging traditional leaders and women to participate in the October polls; Charles Coffey-PUL President………….He will speak about the union’s membership drive; Omecee Johnson-Public Relations Officer/National Reformation Alliance Movement……………..He will tell us about the formal launching of the movement.

  • UNMIL Radio SE News at 8 AM (16 August 2017)

    UNMIL radio simple english news at 8 AM on Wednesday 16 August 2017

  • Yor Mornin: Wednesday 16 August 2017

    Name of Program: Yor Mornin
    Date:  August 16, 2017
    Time: 7: am
    Duration: 1hr
    Topic:  Entrepreneur (Self-Employment)
    It is believed that there are thousands of jobless college graduates in Liberia, but can they make a living without being employed? What are some ideas that you would love to share with these youth, educated but jobless Liberians to be independent?
     Producer: Jos3ephine Ogbodu
    Interviews or recorded pieces-subject matter and/or content
    Yor Mornin is an early morning magazine program; its segments are as follows;

    • World Headlines
    • Motivational Talk- On a mission
    • Everyday Talk -thirty minute interactive discussion on national and international issues.
    • Stories behind World headlines around the world
  • UNMIL Radio News at 1 PM (15 August 2017)

    UNMIL radio news at 1 PM on Tuesday 15 August 2017

  • Yor Mornin: Tuesday 15 August 2017

    Name of Program: Yor Mornin
    Date:  August 15, 2017
    Time: 7:am
    Duration: 1hr
    Topic: What are your expectations of the Liberian Media for the 2017       Presidential Election?
    Producer: Yede E. Allison
    Interviews or recorded pieces-subject matter and/or content
    Yor Mornin is an early morning magazine program; its segments are as follows;
    • World Headlines
    • Motivational Talk- Really Not so Bad-By Ralph Marston
    • Everyday Talk -thirty minute interactive discussion on national and international issues.
    • Stories behind World headlines around the world


  • UNMIL Radio News At 1 PM (14 August 2017)

    UNMIL radio news at 1 PM on Monday 14 August 2017

  • Dateline Liberia - Monday (14 August 2017)
    Name of Program: Dateline Liberia
    Date: Monday August 14, 2017
    Time 10:00am with a Repeat at 10:00pm
    Duration: 45’
    Producer: Olive Thomas

    Interviews or recorded pieces-subject matter and/or content.
    • The Government of Liberia has dedicated New Heavy fuel facilities of the Liberia Electricity Corporation at its Bushrod site.
    • The youth and elders of Montserrado County district number 14 have pledged to promote political campaigns in their area.
    • The Liberia National Police says the sale of gasoline on the streets of Monrovia and its environs is prohibited.
    • More than twenty nurses and physician assistants are undergoing mental health training in Monrovia.
    • A visiting team of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) has ended an assessment visit to Lofa County. The team held talks with the HoFo of UNMIL Voinjama Field office and the Lofa based civil society organizations.
  • Coffee Break - Monday, august 14, 2017

    Coffee Break today featured the following guests: James Kpargoi - Communications Specialist / Liberia Electricity Corporation –LEC………….LEC dismisses the head of its Power Theft Unit… what for; Yacoub El-Hillo-Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General for Peace Consolidation in UNMIL…………..How was his recent visit to Greenville and Harper? Hassan Kiawu – Chairman / Press Union Liberia Anniversary Committee; and Cecil Griffiths – Head of the Security Sector Reform Working Group-SSRWG;

  • UNMIL Radio News at 8 AM (14 August 2017)

    UNMIL radio news at 8 AM on Monday 14 August 2017

  • Yor Mornin: Monday, 14 August 2017

    Name of Program: Yor Mornin
    Date:  August 14, 2017
    Time: 7: am
    Duration: 1hr
    Topic:  Corruption
    It is being reported and discussed in many quarters that corruption is too high in the Liberian society. What is your definition of high level corruption? What do you think can be done to discourage corruption? 
    Producer: Josephine Ogbodu
    Interviews or recorded pieces-subject matter and/or content
    Yor Mornin is an early morning magazine program; its segments are as follows;

    • World Headlines
    • Motivational Talk- On a mission
    • Everyday Talk -thirty minute interactive discussion on national and international issues.
    • Stories behind World headlines around the world
