
  • Business and Economics (07 August 2017) - Part II

    Part II

    Business and Economics is a program on UNMIL Radio intended to gage the views of business owners to understand what’s unfolding in their world.
    Today the program featured the CEO of GUSCEEMAN INC.  An entity in the business of developing and giving support businesses including CIVIL society Organizations.

  • Business and Economics (07 August 2017) - Part I

    Part I

    Business and Economics is a program on UNMIL Radio intended to gage the views of business owners to understand what’s unfolding in their world.
    Today the program featured the CEO of GUSCEEMAN INC.  An entity in the business of developing and giving support businesses including CIVIL society Organizations.

  • Dateline Liberia - Monday (07 August 2017)


    Name of Program: Dateline Liberia
    Date: Monday August 07, 2017
    Time 10:00am with a Repeat at 9:15pm
    Duration: 45’
    Producer: Olive Thomas

    Interviews or recorded pieces-subject matter and/or content.
    • The Ministry of Education is requesting full adherence to the age appropriate standards.
    • The Foundation for International Dignity (FIND) says it has launched a project to help fight corruption.
    • Search for Common Ground Liberia has ended a five-year project “Strengthening the Capacity of Civil Society Organizations to Promote Sustainable Governance in Liberia.”
    • The Grand Gedeh Branch of the Drugs Enforcement Agency is collaborating with other security agencies to crack down on illicit drugs users in the county.
    • About 10 disadvantaged young people infamously referred to as Zogoes have graduated from rehabilitation and skills training program.


  • Coffee Break - Monday, August 07 2017

    Coffee Break is UNMIL Radio’s flagship news and current affairs program that highlights issues of concerns to UNMIL, government of Liberia, Civil Society and Grassroots communities. Issues such as peace and reconciliation, elections, women’s issues, current events, governance, rule of law, electricity and road construction among others are captured in the program which is aired Mondays-Fridays.

    Coffee Break today featured live interviews with the following persons and issues:

    • David Dahn -Assistant Defense Minister for Public Affairs speaks about Nigerian troops coming to Liberia
    • Henry Flomo - Communications Director National Elections Commission-NEC undertakes training for journalists in rural Liberia on the code of conduct
    • Sam Collins - Spokesman Liberia National Police gives update
    • Joyce Jawolo - Head of  Public Health Initiative-Liberia (PHI) partners with the Federation of Liberian Youth in conducting sexual and reproductive health training for youth from the South East
    • Siatta Scott-Johnson Coordinator of the Female Journalists Association (FeJAL) conducts safety training for journalists
    • Adama Dempster - Secretary –General of the Civil Society Human Rights Platform  enhances efforts for the respect for human rights
  • You and Your Health: Friday 04 August 2017


    Name of Programme: You and Your Health
    Date: August 04, 2017
    Time: Friday 11:30am, repeated Saturday 4:00PM
    Theme or main focus if appropriate
    The Anti-Aids Media Network and the PUL recently launched sectoral media monitoring and the group is also campaigning on HIV prevention, Stigma, Discrimination and human rights.
    Names of guests/resource persons:
    Mr. Necus Andrews, Coordinator Anti-Aids Media Network and Mr. Evans Aldofo, Program Officer Stop Aid in Liberia.
  • Dateline Liberia - Friday (04 August 2017)
    Name of Program: Dateline Liberia
    Date: Friday August 04, 2017
    Time 10:00am with a Repeat at 10:00pm
    Duration: 45’
    Producer: Olive Thomas

    Interviews or recorded pieces-subject matter and/or content.
    Friday’s edition feature a segment called Rule of Law.
    • The Ministry of Education releases the academic calendar for2017/2018 school year.
    • The Elections Coordination Committee renews calls on Liberia’s political players to endeavor to ensure a violence-free electoral process.
    • The 38th conference of the Board of Governors of the West Africa Monetary Zone opens in Monrovia with a call for the mobilization of resources to tackle illicit financial flow in the region.
  • Coffee Break - Friday, August 04 2017

    Coffee Break on Friday, August 4, 2017 spoke with the following persons:
    Rev. Robert Bimba /  Head Community of  Hope Agriculture Project (CHAP)  disclosed that CHAP is embarking  on a capacity building of local farmers
    Roosevelt Woods / Executive Director Foundation For International Dignity (FIND) announced the
    Launched of a project to help fight corruption
    Col.  Isaac  Kannah/ Commander of the Drug Enforcement Agency in Grand Gedeh County said the  Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency has toughened its   stance on drug abuse in Grand Gedeh County 
    Saah Thompson / Head African Union Youth Division- Liberia spoke of the rolling of a campaign to promote a peaceful electoral process


  • Yor Mornin: Friday 04 August 2017


    Name of Program: Yor Mornin
    Date:  August 3, 2017
    Time: 7:am
    Duration: 1hr
    Topic: How Do Liberians Stay on Course with the Peace Process
    Producer: Yede E. Allison
    Interviews or recorded pieces-subject matter and/or content
    Yor Mornin is an early morning magazine program; its segments are as follows;
    • World Headlines
    • Motivational Talk- Choose Challenge
    • Everyday Talk -thirty minute interactive discussion on national and international issues.
    • Stories behind World headlines around the world
  • UNMIL Radio News at 1 PM (03 August 2017)

    UNMIL radio news at 1 PM on Thursdday 03 August 2017

  • Coffee Break - Thursday 03 August 2017

    Coffee Break on  Thursday , August 3, 2017 talked to the following persons:
    Oscar Bloh is the  Head of the Elections Coordination Committee (ECC). Bloh called  on all political parties, independent candidates and their supporters to uphold the principles and intent of the Ganta and Farmington Declarations to conduct a violent free-campaign.
    Anthony Chengoe/ Mental and Community Health Officer at the PTP camp in  Grand Gedeh County disclosed that more than 6000 Ivorian refugees at the PTP Refugee Camp in Zwedru are being immunized against Yellow Fever
     Rev. Christopher Toe / Secretary General of the  Civil Society Coalition of Liberia  disclosed that they are holding a   dialogue on the mapping out of strategies for the  capacity building of CSOs in Liberia 
    Henry Flomo/ Director of Communications National Elections Commission (NEC ) announced that the NEC is conducting a code of conduct training for journalists

