
  • Yor Mornin: Thursday 03 August 2017


    Name of Program: Yor Mornin
    Date:  August 3, 2017
    Time: 7:am
    Duration: 1hr
    Topic: How Do Liberians Stay on Course with the Peace Process
    Producer: Yede E. Allison
    Interviews or recorded pieces-subject matter and/or content
    Yor Mornin is an early morning magazine program; its segments are as follows;
    • World Headlines
    • Motivational Talk- Choose Challenge
    • Everyday Talk -thirty minute interactive discussion on national and international issues.
    • Stories behind World headlines around the world
  • Front Page - Wednesday (02 August 2017) - Part II

    Part II

    Front Page Presenter’s Mention
    July 29, 2017
    Topic: Analysis this year’s 170th Independence Day Orator’s Speech calling for collective effort in transforming the country in to an informed society.
    Producer: Raymond Zarbay
    Guests: Festus Poquie, Editor-In-Chief at the New Democrat Newspaper and Augustus Bortu, Editor of the Heritage Newspaper.

  • Front Page - Wednesday (02 August 2017) - Part I

    Part I

    Front Page Presenter’s Mention
    July 29, 2017
    Topic: Analysis this year’s 170th Independence Day Orator’s Speech calling for collective effort in transforming the country in to an informed society.
    Producer: Raymond Zarbay
    Guests: Festus Poquie, Editor-In-Chief at the New Democrat Newspaper and Augustus Bortu, Editor of the Heritage Newspaper.

  • Dateline Liberia - Wednesday (02 August 2017)
    Name of Program: Dateline Liberia
    Date: Wednesday August 02, 2017
    Time 11:10am with a Repeat at 9:15pm
    Duration: 45’
    Producer: Olive Thomas

    Interviews or recorded pieces-subject matter and/or content.
    • Liberian women yesterday launched a campaign aimed at increasing their participation in the electoral process. The event took place at the Legislature.
    • Roseline Toweh is hoping that this will lead to an increase in the number of women attaining political positions during the electoral process.
    • The Liberia National Police says it will not tolerate anything that has the propensity to jeopardize the country’s peace process especially during the electoral campaign period.
    • As Campaign for the 2017 Presidential and Legislative Elections in Liberia begins, the National Elections Commission (NEC) has warned political parties against the use of abusive and inciting speech at political rallies.
    • The First Liberian to teach Chinese at the University of Liberia is expected to begin his first Chinese language class in September.
    • The West African Examination council (WAEC) Monday released results of the 2017 national exam for ninth and twelfth graders with indications of improvement.
  • Coffee Break - Wednesday (02 August 2017)


    Charles Coffey / President Press Union of Liberia who cautioned the media to remain neutral during this campaign period
    Hh Zayzay / Coordinator President Young Professionals Program (PYPP) announced that the PYPP intensifying its human resource development program
    Emmanuel Urey / An environmental campaigner spoke on the production of a documentary on land ownership in Liberia 
    Abraham  Nyepan / Chairman Urban Youth Liberia disclosed that the local youth group is initiating a campaign for a non-violence electoral process
    Rev. Augustine Akoi/ Head of the Better Future Foundation said his group is leading a campign to ensure that the elections are issue-driven
  • Yor Mornin: Wednesday 02 August 2017
    Name of Program: Yor Mornin
    Date:  August 2, 2017
    Time: 7:am
    Duration: 1hr
    Topic: What have you observe so far in your community since the campaign process kicked off on Monday? Is it peaceful? 
    Producer: Martina Brooks
    Interviews or recorded pieces-subject matter and/or content
    Yor Mornin is an early morning magazine program; its segments are as follows;
    • World Headlines
    • Motivational Talk- On a mission
    • Everyday Talk -thirty minute interactive discussion on national and international issues.
    • Stories behind World headlines around the world
  • UNMIL Radio News at 6 & 9 PM (01 August 2017)

    UNMIL radio news at 6 & 9 M on 01 August 2017

  • Access For All (01 August 2017)

    ‘Access for All’ is a half hour English by radio English teaching program designed to help students and other speakers speak or write Standard English. Today’s lesson covered subject/verb agreement

  • Nationwide (01 August 2017)

    Nationwide is a program on UNMIL Radio that highlights happenings of the past week from around the country from correspondents

  • One Voice (01 August 2017) - Part II

    Part II

    One Voice is a youth program on UNMIL Radio that feature young people as they discuss their issues and propose solutions to them
    Today’s Topic is: The role of Young people in the Campaign Process
    Guests: Prince Gift Kangar; Boakai Kamara; Jeremy Kpennehn, all executive of the Chocolate City Youth for Transparency & Accountability.
    They discussed nonviolent methods of campaigning
