Philippine Peacekeepers Adopt Police Station

9 Jul 2013

Philippine Peacekeepers Adopt Police Station

How about a make-over for one of Liberia’s police stations?  That was the message of the UNPOL Philippine Contingent to the Liberian National Police (LNP) when they launched their “Adopt a Police Station” project.  The aim was two-pronged: to repair and renovate the Zone II LNP Station and to inspire the host population by demonstrating the time-honored Filipino tradition of “bayanihan” or community effort to achieve a worthy endeavor. Zone II station is located in Westpoint Market, the most populated and among the areas that record high incidents of crime in Central Monrovia. 

Through the guidance of the Deputy Police Commissioner Cesar Hawthorne Binag, the Filipino police contingent laid down the plans to refurbish the station including the donation of some much needed office equipment.  The 12-day repair and renovation work began on 4 April.  A formal hand-over to the Zone II Station Commander, graced by LNP Inspector General Chris Massaquoi, was held on 16 April.  The Inspector General thanked the Filipino contingent and the entire UNPOL not only for understanding but also for responding to the LNP’s needs.