UNMIL and UNDP encourage youth to improve community through clean-up contest around Monrovia
16 March 2018, Monrovia – The United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) along with the United Nations Development (UNDP) funded a project to sensitize youth in the five main cities of Greater Monrovia, on topics such as basic self-development process, including peace, social cohesion, volunteerism, skills and community development.
The UNMIL Chief of Peace Consolidation Services, Mr. Francis Kai-Kai on behalf of UNMIL Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (DSRSG) for peace and consolidation Yacoub El hillo, addressed the youth “I am here to recognize the youth here, this project has been very successful, on behalf of the UN I congratulate you,”- said Mr. Ka-kai.
The project’s objective has been to identify and develop a cadre of youth leaders as champions for youth engagement in self and community development, mobilize and organize the youth in Greater Monrovia to carry out series of clean-up campaigns in their communities, and set the stage for consultation of the youth in development of National Youth Development Programme.
UNDP Portfolio Manager, Mr. Eric Opoku, on behalf of the UNDP Country Director, Mr. Pa Lamin Beyai stated: “The youth is now being involved in charting the country’s destiny and you must remain focused and disciplined, serving as decent role models for each other while helping to bridge gaps to eliminate poverty in your communities and the country” he said.
Through this project the energies of the youth were directed from violence into productive activities, the social cohesion was strengthened as community members were brought together to undertake clean-up and other campaigns and the spirit of volunteerism and self-help among community members was promoted.