
  • History Hour (13 July 2017) - Part 1

    Part 1

    History Hour is a program designed on UNMIL Radio to help refresh memories of past events in Liberia, Africa and the world.

    It is heard every Thursday at 4:05pm and repeated at 10pm every Sunday

  • UNMIL Radio News at 1 PM ( 13 July 2017)

    UNMIL radio news at 1 PM on Thursday 13 July 2017

  • UNMIL Radio SE News at 8 AM (13 July 2017)

    UNMIL radio simple english news at 8 AM on Thursday 13 July 2017

  • UNMIL Radio News at 8 AM (13 July 2017)

    UNMIL radio news at 8 AM on Thursday 13 July 2017

  • UNMIL Radio News at 6 & 8 PM (12 July 2017)

    UNMIL raio news at 6 & 8 PM on Wednesday 12 July 2017

  • Dis Government Ting (12 July 2017)

    Program: Dis Government
    Topic: The Role of the Armed Forces of Liberia in the Elections in October this year.
    Guest: The Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of Liberia Major General Daniel Ziahnkahn
    General Ziahnkahn said they have put into place a code of conduct to guide Armed Personnel during this electioneering period that they are not identify with any political party or get involve in political activities

  • Dateline Liberia - Wednesday (12 July 207)


    Name of Program: Dateline Liberia
    Date: Wednesday July 12, 2017
    Time 11:10am with a Repeat at 9:15pm
    Duration: 45’
    Producer: Olive Thomas

    Interviews or recorded pieces-subject matter and/or content.
    • The Economic Community of West African States-ECOWAS and partners have launched the “Emergency Response Support for Preventive Diplomacy” project to ensure peaceful, free and fair elections in Liberia.
    • In the midst of challenges to fight corruption in the country, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has reminded public officials along with presidential and representative aspirants to declare their assets and liabilities.
    • A European Union delegation to Liberia and the united kingdom Department for international Development have dedicated the office for FDA in Buchanan City.
    • The Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) says it is carrying out a robust exchange of mutilated notes on the Liberian market.
    • A visiting Muslim Cleric Sheik Ahmed Mohammed Awal is calling on Muslim and Christian leaders in the country to lead the process Peace, Reconciliation and Religious Tolerance.
    • The Liberian Government and partners have concluded consultations on the Liberia Agriculture Sector Investment Plan (LASIP).
    • Residents of Gbi and Doru Districts in Nimba County decry poor school facilities resulting from broken promises by a Logging Company.
  • Coffee Break - Wednesday, July 12, 2017


    Coffee Break on 12 July , 2017 hosted the following persons :
    Harold Aidoo/ Head of the Civil Society Coalition on Decentralization.  He said the group hosting a legislative retreat on the CRC bill of referendum
    Iman Ali Krayee / Head of the National Iman Council denied ever calling on Muslims in Liberia not to vote for any Christian candidate in October polls
    Hh Zayzay / Coordinator of the President Young Professionals Program (PYP) said they are launching a career development program targeting high school and first year college students.
    Sam Saryon / Head of Crimes Prevention network said the group is  taking  its crimes prevention campaign to Western Liberia
    Necus Andrews / Head of the Anti-AIDS Media Network disclosed that his organization and partners are rolling out awareness on voluntary HIV testing and counseling
  • UNMIL Radio News at 8 AM (12 July 217)

    UNMIL radio news at 8 AM on Wednesday 12 July 2017

  • Yor Mornin: Wednesday 12 July 2017

    Name of Program: Yor Mornin
    Date: Wednesday July 12, 2017
    Time: 7am
    Duration: 1hr
    Topic – Is There A Good Side to Corruption
    Producer: Yede E.Allison
    Interviews or recorded pieces-subject matter and/or content
    Yor Mornin is an early morning magazine program; its segments are as follows;
    • World Headlines
    • Motivational Talk- Pick Yourself up
    • Everyday Talk -thirty minute interactive discussion on national and international issues.
    • Stories behind World headlines around the world
