
  • Coffee Break - Friday, June 30, 2017


    Coffee Break is UNMIL Radio’s flagship news and current affairs program that highlights issues of concerns to UNMIL, government of Liberia, Civil Society and Grassroots communities. Issues such as peace and reconciliation, elections, women’s issues, current events, governance, rule of law, electricity and road construction among others are captured in the program which is aired Mondays-Fridays.
    Coffee Break today featured live interviews with the following persons and issues:
    • Bowoulo Kelley - Senior Program Manager/ Organization for Women and Children holds one day training for female aspirants and Civil Society Organizations;
    • Charles Coffey – President / Press Union of Liberia says Citizen Journalism III contributor to society;
    • Emmanuel Wheinyue-National Communication Officer/ Decentralization Program Ministry of Internal Affairs begins public awareness on county service centers…
    • Kpakae Roberts – Medical Herbalist and Researcher on Medicinal Plant spoke about the genetic effects of 170 years of centenarians in Liberia since 1847;
    • Cecelia Tyler - Instructor / Monrovia Football Academy says the institution intensifies efforts in providing football and academic skills to Liberian youth with a focus on enlisting young females


  • UNMIL Radio SE News at 8 AM (30 June 2017)

    UNMIL radio special english news at 8 AM on Friday 30 June 2017

  • UNMIL Radio News at 8 AM (30 Jne 2017)

    UNMIL Radio News at 8 AM on Friday 30 June 2017

  • Back To The Ballot Box: (29 June 2017) - Part 2

    Part 2

    This is Back To The Ballot Box UNMIL Radio and I am Sayou Tequah. Back To The Ballot Box is your elections program focusing on the 2017 Elections. What necessary measures have the security institutions in Liberia put in place to avoid election violence during the 2017 Elections? What are the elections security plans to have the election run in a safe and fair manner?

    The guest is the Inspector General of Police Col. Gregory Coleman. He will generally speak on the preparedness of the LNP and joint security of Liberia in the conduct of these elections.

  • Back To The Ballot Box: (29 June 2017) - Part 1

    Part 1

    This is Back To The Ballot Box UNMIL Radio and I am Sayou Tequah. Back To The Ballot Box is your elections program focusing on the 2017 Elections. What necessary measures have the security institutions in Liberia put in place to avoid election violence during the 2017 Elections? What are the elections security plans to have the election run in a safe and fair manner?

    The guest is the Inspector General of Police Col. Gregory Coleman. He will generally speak on the preparedness of the LNP and joint security of Liberia in the conduct of these elections.

  • School Days (29 June 2017)

    Program: School Days
    Time: Every Thursday at 2 pm.
    Guest: Dale Gboto Head of WAEC Liberia
    Topic: Dale Gboto discussed the upcoming Private Candidate Exams that will be administered by WAEC Liberia Office for students who sat the National Exams and were not successful. Gboto said they have another opportunity to improve their grades.

  • UNMIL Radio News at 11 AM (29 June 2017)

    UNMIL radio news at 11 AM on Thursday 29 June 2017

  • Coffee Break - Thursday, June 29 2017

    Coffee Break is UNMIL Radio’s flagship news and current affairs program that highlights issues of concerns to UNMIL, government of Liberia, Civil Society and Grassroots communities. Issues such as peace and reconciliation, elections, women’s issues, current events, governance, rule of law, electricity and road construction among others are captured in the program which is aired Mondays-Fridays.

    Coffee Break today featured live interviews with the following persons and issues:

    • Tarnue Karbba - Senior Grants Support Manager/ Plan International Liberia boosts WASH services at health facilities in Lofa County;
    • Rev. Robert Bimba-Executive Director/Community of Hope Agriculture Project-CHAP & SRI National Focal Point speaks about the expansion and adaption of rice project in five counties;
    • Samuel Cox – Vice President for International Affairs / Junior Chamber Int’l Liberia a youth group holds induction and recognition of officers’ ceremony;
  • UNMIL Radio SE News at 8 AM (29 June 2017)

    UNMIL radio simple english news at 8 AM on Thursday 29 June 2017

  • UNMIL Radio News at 8 AM (29 June 2017)

    UNMIL radio newsat 8 AM on Thursday 29 June 2017
