The story of UNMIL [Book]: Liberian security counterparts on contribution of UN Police
The main role of the UN Police in Liberia has been support to and reform of the Liberian security entities, primarily the Liberia National Police, the Liberia Immigration Service, the Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency and the National Police Training Academy.
A few of them shared comments on UNPOL’s contribution over the past 14 years: “UNMIL has certainly helped to build the foundations that were able to sustain democracy and lasting peace in Liberia. We have welcomed the support that we received from UNPOL, particularly the good practice of the provision of specialist mentoring from skilled and experienced immigration advisers.”
Commissioner General Lemuel Reeves, Liberia Immigration Service
“Training is helpful but the benefit of day-to-day mentoring by experts is what has really helped to improve the ability of the DEA. Where support has worked is when the UN attach officers with direct narcotic investigation experience.”
Anthony Souh, Director, Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency
“Round balls in square holes: We have raised the issue of some of the incompetence, or lack of experience, of some UNMIL personnel, for instance, assigning officers who had never worked before in police operations to serve as advisors in operational units and assigning low ranking officers like sergeants (first line managers) to advise senior managers of the LNP. Despite this, and the cultural and language barriers that impacted on our ability to communicate effectively, the NPTA benefited from a pool of experience of personnel from different cultures, countries and professional backgrounds, and UNMIL helped improve our training curriculum in the areas of human rights, community policing, sexual and gender based violence etc.”
Dao R. Freeman, Jr., Commissioner of Police for Training and Manpower Development, National Police Training Academy (NPTA)